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Utilitarianism, Human Rights, and Corruption

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment 2

This assignment asks you to compare utilitarianism to some other ethical approach that we have studied in this class. To refresh your memory about utilitarianism, see Chapter 7 of Hausman, McPherson, and Satz.

In this assignment, you should clearly state which other ethical approach that we studied in class you are contrasting utilitarianism to. It could be cost-benefit analysis and efficiency, Rawls's theory of justice, Nozick's entitlement theory, the approach of liberty, rights, or human rights, or democracy or some other value. That is, you should contrast some other value with utilitarianism. You should cite some reading that we did speaks about this alternative view.

You should discuss some issue, what utilitarianism would say about it and what the alternative ethical view would say about it. You should explain the strengths and weaknesses of each view, and you should present an argument about which view is better.

The issue must be different than the issue that you discussed in your first paper. Can't be economic inequality.

You should conclude with a paragraph about general lessons about the problems or advantages of utilitarianism in general beyond the particular issue that you are discussing.

Your paper should have a main thesis statement which you support with arguments, evidence, and reasoning. Please reference at least two of the assigned readings.

• Length: 5 pages (double spaced)

• Due: Thursday, December 7 by 5pm.

The paper should be no longer than 5 pages. In order to receive a better grade on this assignment, you should focus on quality rather than length. Focus on making the paper well written and on the logic of your argument.

You should write several drafts of the paper (for example 3 drafts), improving it each time. It would also be useful to seek feedback from your classmates, members of your class group or others. For example, you may ask your group members for feedback on earlier drafts and offer to provide feedback in return.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Economics and Ethics
In economics, some issues significantly hamper the realization of the desired goals, such as profitability and efficiency. There happen to be concepts that can either give agency to these issues or help to curtail their spread, and two of those concepts are utilitarianism and human rights. Utilitarianism, an approach to normative ethics, suggests that an action is morally right if it maximizes the overall good. The concept promotes impartiality and agent neutrality though it does not provide the means to achieve such. Since the theory holds that the consequences of an act are the only standards to determine whether it is good or bad, many theorists have found solid reasons to fault it. John Rawls and other philosophers described it as defective by pointing out that it strives to maximize welfare without regard for its distribution (Sandel 123). On the flip side, human rights refer to the basic rights and freedoms that individuals are entitled to for the simple reason that they are human beings. They are standards that appreciate and safeguard the dignity of individuals and guide entities such as governments on what they should do or avoid. Concisely, those standards dictate that no group or individual has the right to violate the rights of others. These two approaches view economic issues from distinct perspectives and offer contrasting solutions. However, human rights provide better solutions as far as economic ethical standards are concerned.
Corruption as an Economic issue
There are issues in economics that hinder the smooth running of affairs, which could block the realization of desired outcomes. One such issue is corruption, which can be termed as the abuse of entrusted power to further selfish interests. Corruption is an unpleasant element in economic spheres since it, among other things, erodes trust and jeopardizes economic development. If left unchecked, the vice can bring business entities and governments to disrepute in record time. This makes it necessary for stakeholders to initiate appropriate mechanisms to curb its spread or eliminate it altogether. However, the efforts to combat corruption can only have a tangible effect only if people understand how it works and the systems that facilitate its survival. Admittedly, this is no mean task because many corrupt practices happen clandestinely, which makes it almost impossible to understand or measure corruption (Mauro 1). However, identifying the causes of corruption could significantly help in combating it.
The world over, there are common factors that contribute significantly to the acceleration of corruption, either in public or private entities. It would be plausible to confine this discourse to public corruption, given its tremendous impact on the lives of the common populace. One fundamental factor that reinforces corruption is trade restrictions. If, for instance, a government imposes strict regulations concerning the importation of particular commodities, the necessary import licenses inevitably become considerably valuable (Mauro 1). This could induce importers to bribe government officials in charge of licensing to receive favorable consideration. Therefore, this creates an illegal rent-seeking activity by providing an avenue through which officers abuse power. Such a trend is detrimental as it could potentially compromise a government’s policies or give currency to unhealthy monopolies.
Another factor that is a significant source of corruption is price control, whose main purpose is to lower the price of particular commodities below their market value. Often, governments use this policy for social or political reasons, making it a source of rent-seeking tendencies. This is because it presents incentives to some unscrupulous people to compromise officials to ensure a steady flow of goods or to acquire an unfair share of the same. This often leads to other undesirable activities, such as hoarding of goods, among other consequences.
Corruption culminates in many undesirable consequences, which affect the populace to varying degrees. For example, some business people may strike an illegal deal with revenue collectors. Instead of paying the requisite amount to the government, they give only part of it so long as they do not get official receipts. A...
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