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Mozambique’s Economic Features

Essay Instructions:

Please write according to the instruction I uploaded. My assigned country is Mozambique, please do as seriously as last time, thank you very much. This time it is step 2. The reference sites that can be used are the same as last time. This time, you will also check the duplicates. Please be sure to do a good job in intext citation and the final work cited page. thanks

Project STEP 2 - 50 points

To complete this step, your essay and research should, at the very least,include answers, rationales, and insights into the following questions regarding your country:

1. Major Economic Features

  • Current demographic and economic features:
    • What is the population of your country? (Break this down into age, gender, rural and urban population.)
    • What are the major natural resources and the major features of the economy? Is the economy driven by the export of minerals and raw materials, agriculture, significant industries, or a mixture of these? What are the main exports and imports?
    • Which countries are its largest trading partners? Is the country a member of regional or continental African trading blocs?
    • How do different groups of people in your country make a living? Explore this in relation to both formal (i.e., salaried jobs) and informal work (casual, cash-in­ hand work), look at both rural and urban settings, and consider the young, old, men, and women. Are there gendered differences in how men and women make a living in your country?
      • Basic economic indicators and economic policies:
        • Since independence, how has domestic economic policy shaped the country?
        • How have international economic forces shaped your country's economy? For example, has your country been impacted by economic structural adjustment programs initiated by the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund? Do international trade agreements impact your country?

o  What is the current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) of your country? What is the significance of these figures?

  • What is the unemployment rate?
  • What is the poverty rate?
  • What is the foreign debt figure?
  • What do all these different economic indicators show about the state of the economy in your country?
    • Information technology and economic development
    • How has this country integrated information and technology communication (ICT) into its strategy for economic development/advancement ?

o To what extent are the internet and mobile phones, including mobile banking used in your country? Do these affect economic potential ?

  • Economic impacts of Covid- 19:
  • What impact has COVID-19 had on the economy of the country? Which industries/ areas have been heavily impacted by COVID-19?

To what extent can the economic impact of COVID- 19 be attributed to the country's response to the pandemic? Give specific examples of pandemic responses


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mozambique’s Economy
Current Demographic and Economic Features
Currently, Mozambique has a population of 33,388,278 as of October 2022 (Worldometer, 2022). Mozambique has a total land mass of 786,380 km² and a population density of 40 per km². In addition, 38.3% of Mozambique's population is urban and has a median age of 17.6 years. Maputo is the capital city of Mozambique and has a population of 1,191,613. Further, the life expectancy of females at birth is 65years while males are 59.1 years. In 2021, Mozambique had 15.64 million males and 16.53 females, creating a difference of 0.88 million more females. In addition, two-thirds of the approximated pop[ulation lives and works in rural areas
Mozambique borders Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. The country has a long and extensive Indian ocean coastline of approximately 2500km to the East of Madagascar. Agriculture is Mozambique's main economic activity, contributing up to 25% of the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) in 2020. Mozambique has adequate arable land, water, and energy. In addition, Mozambique is rich in minerals and recently discovered offshore natural gas, which is a boost to the economy of Mozambique. Its strategic location and nearness to the sea make Madagascar a conduit to the neighboring landlocked country. Thus, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Estawini depend on Madagascar for the global market. Mozambique shares strong economic ties with South Africa.
Agriculture, fisheries, and trade sustain the economy of Mozambique. Mozambique is a significant exporter of Vanilla, Gold, Titanium ore, Raw Nickel, crustaceans, and knit sweaters, while it imports petroleum oil, medicine, rice, fabric, motor vehicles, and palm oil. The United States of America ( USA), France, China, the United Arabs Emirates ( UAE), and Germany are significant exporters. Notably, Madagascar is a member of different regional trading blocs. It is a Member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the South African Development Community, the African Continental Free Trade Area ( AFCFTA), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Convention on Trade and Development( UNCTAD), Cotonou Agreement, Indian Ocean Commission, and Interim Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union.
Basic Economic Indicators
In the colonial era, the economic system of Mozambique was mainly capitalist, in which the Portuguese would monopolize the state market and primary planning to raise capital. After independence, the system continued with FRELIMO, the ruling party but was, however, objected to by the RENAMO Party, who felt the system needed to change. The economic system changed to socialism, nationalizing properties and promoting training and education. After a bitter war, the economy collapsed severely. In an attempt to recover, International Monetary Funds came to aid with a plan of decentralization, privatization, and assistance to the farmers. The plans saw Mozambique's economy grow rapidly in terms of infrastructure, development of the manufacturing industry, and promotion of fishing, agriculture, and forestry industries. Currently, the GDP of Mozambique is 16.10 billion US dollars, with agriculture contributing 25% and services 24%, and the GNP 15.760 billion US dollars. Despite Mozambique's steady economic development, it experiences challenges of unemployment, poverty, and limited human capital accumulating debts. The unemployment rate i...
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