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Professional Strengths and Areas For Development

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are to discuss your strengths and areas for further development regarding the array of job search strategies and professionalism principles discussed throughout HM 203. You certainly have strengths in some areas, but there are always areas where you can further develop your skills. You may wish to focus on 2-3 strengths and 2-3 areas for improvement. You may address more. In addition, you are to discuss what you might do to further develop your job search and professionalism skills. While you should focus on your weaknesses, you can also address how to further enhance your strengths.

After your introduction to your paper, use the following headings:

Job Search and Professionalism Strengths

Areas for Development

Strategies for Skill Enhancement

Summary and Conclusion

This assignment will primarily be evaluated based on the depth and insight of your analysis. Be sure to use examples to support your points. This assignment is due on Monday, December 14th by 12:00 p.m.

Formatting Guidelines

Use 12-point, Times New Roman font

Use standard 1” margins

Single space the document

Double space between paragraphs

Do not indent paragraphs

Bold your headings

Limit the assignment to 3-4 pages

ps:I want to talk about my strength is creatives, communication. Weak part it work experience and team work experience. Also you can add anything you want for this.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Last Name 1
Student Name
Professor Name
Professional Strengths & Areas for Development Report 1. Job Search and Professionalism Strengths
Typically, education aims, ultimately, to graduate citizens equipped with essential critical professional skills. In college, scores, and classes often cloud student's judgment and, indeed, prevent many from conceiving more opportunities and options after graduation. Today, knowledge, skills and experience are for-granted givens graduates must have. In a knowledge-oriented economy, students – and, for that matter, graduates – are increasingly expected to be self-learners, critical thinkers, and constant professional development seekers. The pace and scope of developments in the current education system and job market requirements make education and work matters of lifelong enduring importance and urgency. Similarly, as a student and soon a graduate, I am expected to show academic excellence and promising professional prospects. To do so, I need not only achieve great scores in classes, important as is, yet also to strategize for long-run lifelong learning abilities and professional skills. Given my performance, in and out of class, I have come to understand I have creativity and communication as my most important strengths.
For creativity, I have shown concrete examples to promise yet more instances of creative adaption to difficult situations. For instance, weighing different ways to study effectively, I devised a study plan whereby I can juggle different classes more effectively.
Student Last Name 2
Specifically, I created an online calendar, easily updateable and editable, in order to track
different study criteria such as hours, deliverables (i.e., number of assignments and papers), class
note-taking, and many more. That way, I could identify which best study method I could use in
each class. This online calendar, I have come to know after doing some research, is a critical and
the effective way successful professionals use to manage and deliver on different activities,
particularly during peak periods. This study habit is, I believe, an important step for each student,
including myself, should develop in order to gain benefits beyond class and in reality. Time
management is, of course, one major important benefit of using similar study tools. Then again,
what is perhaps most important about using one or more study tools is an ability to use such tool
in different contexts. This is what I call creativity, something I believe I have shown, and hope
to continue to show after graduation picking up and applying more skills to different contexts.
For communication, I believe I am a strong communicator. This is a competency I believe I have always had, yet also a competency I have developed. For instance, managing study groups I have shown, my classmates have consistently told me, "extraordinary" ability to manage discussions so we would not stray away from any issue at hand. More specifically, I have helped elicit, in a sense, responses from some of my study buddies who shied away from participation. This "extraordinary" communication competency I have shown is similar to creativity, critical skills in the current job market. If anything, employers are incre...
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