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Employee Engagement

Essay Instructions:

Prepare an essay of between 500 and 700 words on one of the following topics.

1. Employee engagement

2. Problem solving

3. Decision making

4. Ethics

5. Conflict management

6. Cultural diversity

You can use whatever sources you choose, but be sure to reference your sources in your essay.Your can also draw upon your own ideas and experience.

You are not required to use APA format for this essay.

Make sure that your essay represents your writing. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Submit your essay in a Word document.

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Employee Engagement
In recent years, the management concept has been modified in ways that have changed the perception of managerial power. In particular, the move from bureaucratic structures to flexible hierarchies has replaced managers' supervisory responsibilities with the establishment of activities that empower employees. In empowering employees, the notion of employee engagement has been recognized as an essential tool that gives business organizations a certain degree of competitive advantage. This paper examines the concept of employee engagement and how it benefits business organizations.
What is employee engagement?
Generally, employee engagement has been associated with employees' participation in games and events. In some instances, employee engagement has been perceived to be identifying whether employees love or dislike their jobs. However, in the workplace, employee engagement goes beyond mere activities or understanding their passion. It is a workplace approach that establishes conditions that enable both employees and employers to give their best to the organization. As a result, employee engagement is defined using both employee's and employers' perspectives. To employees, employee engagement is about understanding one's role in an organization, how to fulfill that role, how that role fits or relates to the organization's purpose and objectives, and how their views are considered while making decisions. To employers, employee engagement is about their employees' loyalty and how they advocate for the organization to customers and clients. Therefore, programs that aspire to enhance employee engagement must be purposeful and based on both employees and employers' views.
Benefits of employee engagement
* Higher retention rates
In this era where skilled employees are sought by numerous organizations, retaining them has become synonymous with gaining a competitive advantage over competitors. Although there are other ways of retaining employees, numerous studies have proved that a firm with employee engagement strategies in place is more likely to hold on to its high performing employees while also...
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