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How to Overcome Procrastination Analysis Essay

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Talk about how to Overcome Procrastination.

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How to Overcome Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the most widespread phenomena that impact the performance of individuals in different life domains such as work and academic performance. It is a dysfunctional response to unwanted affective states and the availability of adaptive emotional regulation skills is critical in preventing procrastination (Eckert 10). People often delay something they ought to have done at a particular moment, even when they already know that delaying such an action would result in immense damage to their lives. When this happens, then they have potentially engaged in an irrational delay, or what is known as procrastination. To many people, prefractionation is something they do occasionally but may become a chronic tendency that delays activities that require to be accomplished. Many people become guilty of procrastination, either at learning institutions, workplaces, or home due to distractions that they may associate with leisure. However, since procrastination is characterized by time passing so quickly, people may not even realize that they are being distracted up until the last-minute rush. More than 20 percent of the world population are known to be chronic procrastinators, and excessive delay in performing tasks at the right time often takes a toll on an individuals’ emotional being (Serwinski). While procrastination may be challenging to prevent to be more productive, it can be overcome through setting achievable goals, avoiding comparing oneself to others, using timeboxing, and aiming to be in a flow.
Setting achievable goals will potentially overcome procrastination as people will be able to focus clearly if they set a clear direction for their tasks. In this manner, it is important to set goals that are realistic enough to accomplish within a given timeframe. Procrastination often occurs when one lacks direction in achieving what they feel confused about or inspired in taking the pursuit. According to Bruneau, on the steps to help one overcome procrastination, focus, and productivity, people should set “SMART” goals and scribble them down. “SMART” is an acronym for “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Oriented” goals. In terms of specificity, people should set the exact plan on what they need to do and avoid any vague goals. Measurable goals are those that make an individual feel less overwhelmed as they can specify when to begin a task and when to finish. In terms of attainability, people should have control of what they would like to achieve, and realistic means that an individual can work on some amount of task within the required time length and commitment. Lastly, time-oriented goals should be accompanied by the actual time plan and should be accompanied by the schedule (Bruneau). Therefore, setting achievable goals will significantly reduce or overcome procrastination, but it is also important to stop comparing oneself to others.
Stopping comparing oneself to others could make a significant change in preventing procrastination by documenting individual achievement, embracing the competition, and being one’s best friend. By comparing themselves to others, people focus on other individuals’ strengths while ignoring their own. Therefore, it is necessary to create a list of personal achievements and it does not matter the nature of such achievements, however small or big. People should be proud of their success and if at times they may face a given task, this should be recorded in diaries as a reminder of their achievements. For instance, people should document situations when they help someone in a crisis or attend a morning gym unwillingly. Virtually everything has to be recorded for reference purposes and referencing everything one can think of does not stop the list from unrolling or becoming a realist someday. Finally, one must reflect on the created list and pin it somewhere which is visible for referral (Castrillon). As one commits to stop comparing themselves to others, it reaches a time when they perceive themselves worthy to achieve goals th...
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