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On How Opportunities Can Overcome Weaknesses

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will complete the worksheets that are listed below. Note: these are the same worksheets noted in the Find career success and perform at your best video

Prior to starting the assignment, please identify a person (friend, family, significant other) that has known you for 5+ years. They will help you with this assignment.

You do NOT need to submit the worksheets. However, you need to complete and refer to them in order to successfully complete and submit the Employee Development Summary assignment.

Answer all the questions for each worksheet. The individual(s) that you select will be responsible for answering a set of questions that are related to discovering your strengths and interests.

Download the worksheet below, and answer all the questions.

Gifts Discovery Worksheet download

Loves Discovery Worksheet download

Skills Discovery Worksheet download

Strengths Worksheet

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Number
Year 1.
Strength- I am committed to advancing my career
Weakness- I am sometimes slow in catching up with modern and emerging technologies
Opportunities- Professional associations can help me meet experienced peers in my field to help me get to my goals faster.
Threats- Being new to the work environment, I may lack the required experience. Redundancy will be a constant threat as I work hard to establish myself in my professional life.
How can you use the strengths/opportunities to overcome the weaknesses/threats?
My level of commitment to advancing my profession is my biggest strength. I believe that I am motivated and energized to face the real world and the challenges that await me during my first year at work. My biggest weakness has to be that sometimes I do not follow up on advancements in technology in my field. I have found out that I am a bit slow in implementing new strategies and utilizing new tools developed to aid me in doing my job faster and better. These two factors could help neutralize each other; my commitment to development should include new technology. I am aware that Information Communication Technology (ICT) has a big part in the future of any career. I will work hard to ensure that I am not left behind in this regard.
Professional associations offer experience and guidance to any upcoming professional. They are primarily made up of experts in the field. Regular consultation and attending seminars and educational sessions will greatly help me discover more about what is required in my field of work. The threat of redundancy for any new employee is certainly higher than those with a better experience. I feel that this may be my biggest concern at this moment in time. However, utilizing the networks built during my time at the job can help me secure better opportunities and consequently more job security as the years go by.
How can you maximize the strengths/opportunities and minimize the weaknesses/threats?
This can be achieved by investing time and effort into my strengths and opportunities. This can be by being more active in the professional associations and working hard to build professional networks to gain experience and consult on current trends and standards. Also, working extra hard to meet my goals and complete all tasks ahead of me could help me advance my career more, building on my strength of commitment.
The use of social media and social networks such as LinkedIn could help me achieve my goal of technological awareness and help build reliable networks with similar situations.
Knowing your weaknesses/threats, what can you do to overcome these challenges?
My weaknesses and threats need some work on my end. I could work more to be better at what I do, improve the quality of my work and make the process more efficient. Working with professionals in my field is also something I am looking forward to. Professional advancement is key for growth in my field of work.
Which of these factors: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, or Threats will play the most significant role in the journey towards your goals...Why?
I believe that the opportunity of working with established professionals is paramount to achieving my goals. This avenue provides me with the opportunity to consult and be part of a community committed to the development of the trade as a whole. If done right, professional consultation and collaboration could open up doors to professional excellence and ultimately the betterment of the profession as a whole.
Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, what action steps can you take to help you achieve your goals?
Joining a professional association is one step that I should take. While labor unions lobby for better working conditions and pay, professional associations will help me gain experience and network with others in my line of work. Also, working harder and smarter to achieve the goals set out for my team and me will help me climb the corporate ladder.
Calculated Risk
Taking a job on probation, on volunteer terms, or even as a short-term contract is a risk, I would be willing to take to make sure I kick off my career. Work could be hard to find at times, but that is a risk I am willing to take. Not being too choosy on the kind of work or the pay for the first few years could be great in accumulating experience needed for later stages of my career.
Year 5.
Strength- One of the biggest strengths would be stability brought about by a great career and confidence in my abilities.
Weakness- Being more involved with my career means that I will probably miss out on personal development time and time spent with family and friends.
Opportunity- A great opportunity at this stage in my career would be the chance to further my studies. With enough experience under my belt and ample consultation from my professional association, I will be better positioned to leap.
Threats- A real threat at this point would be stagnation. If I get complacent and do not feel challenged enough to improve, there is a serious threat of professional stagnation.
How can you use the strengths/opportunities to overcome the weaknesses/threats?
My biggest strength would be professional stability due to the experience I would have managed to garner. This would mean possible promotion or significant positions within the organization. This would mean that I have some say in when I get off days and proper holidays. Th...
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