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How Getting Feedback from Others Helped Identify Your Gifts

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following five questions in 1000 words or less. Please copy and paste the questions (this will not count towards the 1000 word limit).

Describe how getting feedback from others helped you to identify your gifts, loves, and skills. What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know prior to completing the exercise?

Gifts are abilities that you are naturally exceptional at doing, often from a young age. Describe the gift that you believe will be most helpful at work.

Loves are interests that you have in specific topics or types of work; your hobbies and passions. Describe how your loves will influence the kinds of jobs you’ll seek out in the future

Skills are the knowledge and abilities that you have acquired over time through practice and education. Describe the skill that will be most helpful when you start working.

Strengths are the types of work you do that give you a high likelihood of career success. Strengths are the intersection of your gifts, loves, and skills. Based on your strengths, describe the kinds of jobs where you will experience the highest level of success

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Student’s Name
Lecturer’s Name
Due Date
TRA 15
Describe how getting feedback from others helped you to identify your gifts, loves, and skills.
Receiving feedback from others helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses. By discovering my strengths and weaknesses, I could tell what I am good at and what I am not good at throughout my performance. Realizing my strengths and weaknesses helped me identify my gifts, loves, and skills. Without feedback, I could assume that everything is working smoothly. I could not realize my gifts, loves, and skills by making this assumption. Feedback also directed me to identify performance indicators and understand their progress toward a goal. Through performance indicators, I could demonstrate how effectively I am achieving key objectives. Achieving key objectives means that I have particular skills, gifts, and loves. Therefore, feedback helped me identify my gifts, loves, and skills by identifying performance indicators.
What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know prior to completing the exercise?
Before completing the exercise, I learned that I have certain skills, gifts, and strengths that I did not know. This exercise helped me identify my skills, strengths, and gifts to help me in my future workplace. I also learned that most employers are interested in these parameters because an employee with skills, strengths, and gifts can solve problems and make decisions effectively. The employers consider these factors alongside other qualifications. They use these factors to describe the competency of a person. I also learned that skills, strengths, and gifts help individuals pursue a particular career. For instance, a child may have computing skills and gifts that make them repair computers at their age. This makes them develop an interest in a computer-related course. 
Gifts are abilities that you are naturally exceptional at doing, often from a young age. Describe the gift that you believe will be most helpful at work.
I believe the gift of innovation will be most helpful at work. Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that lead to the creation of new products. Some people are naturally talented in innovating new things. This gift is most helpful at work because it facilitates the growth of an individual and the company. As mentioned, innovation leads to the creation of new products, which enhances a company's growth. Innovation also gives an organization an edge in penetrating the market faster and provides a better connection to developing markets, which results in more extensive opportunities. Besides, innovation enhances customer relationships. This gift leads to the development of innovative ideas, products, and services. When customers see that the organization values their feedback and incorporates their ideas to provide them with innovative solutions, their loyalty to the brand increases. They may also feel a s...
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