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Ethical Issues in Research Topics Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please choose two words from the following subject requirements as the subject of the article:

 Privacy

 Confidentiality

 Participant harm

 Authorship

 Integrity of recording

 Integrity of data

 Permission to interview

 Protecting anonymity

Introduction to Assignment:

Ethics is a very important topic in research and especially, in the day-to-day practice of business professionals. However, little attention has been paid to the ethical marketing of the tourism industry. typed-2 pages (double-spaced) in MLA format. Please provide in a PDF or MSWORD document.


Please identify two ethical issues in the hospitality and tourism industry. Describe their impact on the hospitality and tourism industry.

Find a brochure or video on YouTube of a major airline or hotel. Is the brochure or video accurate or ethical in its presentation of the airline or hotel or did it embellish the overall offerings?

What is the overall experience that is being promoted? Is there any accountability if the traveler is not satisfied? Please explain.

Come to class prepared to discuss the questions in the assignment.

This teacher is very strict, please strictly follow the teacher’s requirements to create. Before I found the order of 00111896 to write and handwritten, I only got 75 points in the end, but there is no way, in order to maintain the same writing style before and after, I still need to find you Continue to write. In order to get more scores, please write strictly according to the teacher's requirements this time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Privacy and Ethical Confidentiality in the Tourism Industry
Privacy and confidentiality are considerations that significantly impact the ethical marketing of the tourism industry. Ethical behaviors and practices in hotel management and marketing directly translate to overall productivity. Taking responsibility and professionalism increases production, whereas embellishing and violence leads to low customer retention and losses. Ethical privacy practices entail the right to control access to tourists (Deale et al. 205). For example, ensuring that the facilities are clean and closing curtains during physical examination constitutes physical privacy. The information privacy laws provide that parties are handling tourist's personal information via enforceable privacy principles. On the other hand, confidentiality pertains to information rights only; thus, hostels have the legal obligation to protect tourists' information unless appropriate situations, thus manifesting the importance of ethical considerations in the tourism industry.
Effective marketing strategies in tourism industries involves attractive advertisement in internet websites and social media (Deale et al. 210). But the ethical challenge is seeing the hotels meet tourists' expectations without disappointments for client retention purposes. For example, the Four Season Hotel and Resort advertising video show ethical business practice, an accurate statement of accommodation cost, holistic advertisement of the hotel facilities as opposed to selective advertising and truthful marketing. Hoteliers are responsible for creating a trusting environment, thus being as honest as possible during tourist visits. The trust in return increases the client's satisfaction hence more referrals and a high retention rate. Protection of visitors' data and only disclose the information to authorized personnel constitute confidentiality practice in the tourism industry. However, breaching confidentiality occurs depending on the case details.
Managing data privacy in the hotel industry constitutes building trust (Olsen et al. 69). Breaching privacy has risks like loss of pr...
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