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Business Management CVV report Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Evaluate what a decision might bring to the company, to the stakeholders? Explain why an ethical decision is better than money-motivating decision. See attached files


SM 131 Giving Voice to Values Homework Assignment



  • Your case will be released on our Assignment tab on Questrom Tools Tuesday November 24th at 6:00 PM
  • Submit the write-up via the Assignment tab before Sunday Nov 29th, 10:00 PM.
  • The “Resolved” will be given in the “Assignment Instructions” on Questrom Tools. Please be sure to read it so that you know the perspective you must take.
  • Follow the format: Resolved and then the four questions.
  • 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, single spaced, no more than two pages + one cover page.
  • Your assignment MUST BE SUBMITTED as a Microsoft Word document
  • Write each question (and number them) and then answer each question individually - not as a group.
  • Answer as if you were the protagonist in the case.  You can answer the questions in the first person, “I”, or third person, “he/she”.  (Please keep a consistent voice throughout the answers.) 




  • Use the last page (only) of this document for your cover page
  • This is the only portion of this document that you need to include with your assignment write-up.



Additional tips for the GVV assignment.


  • Overall, be persuasive and thorough; however, at the same time prioritize and be selective in what you will include (you only have 2 pages of text).
  • Make sure to clearly state the Resolved (i.e., the decision you are trying to achieve)


Step 1: What is at stake for the key parties, including those who disagree with you? What is important to them?

  • Make sure to provide a comprehensive (not just those directly mentioned in the case) list and explanation (a couple sentences for each) of the different stakeholders and their importance to the GVV exercise.
  • In addition, it would be helpful to identify stakeholders that have a high vs low stake, and whether they have high versus low power vis-à-vis the desired action.


Step 2: What are the main arguments you are trying to counter?  That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?

  • You probably cannot cover all the possible arguments from all stakeholders. THEREFORE:
  • You probably do not need to discuss arguments from low stake + low power stakeholders. Focus on the most relevant stakeholders.
  • Instead, clearly state the most important objections/rationalizations that can be made by high stake or high power stakeholders. Note that some objections can be made by more than one stakeholder group.
  • For each objection/rationalization, provide arguments that would provide convincing supporting for it.


Step 3: What arguments or levers can you use to influence those who disagree with you?   What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? 

  • In this step you want to provide persuasive rebuttals to the objections from step 2.
  • Use relevant levers to strengthen your rebuttals and provide detailed support.


STEP 4: What is your PLAN OF ACTION? To whom should the argument be made?  When and in what context?

  • Given the insights from steps 1, 2 and 3, provide a general plan on how you will give voice to your values.
  • Who, where and how will you engage the in this step?
  • Describes a plan to communicate and convince.
  • Provide a powerful and impactful closing argument – provide a script of what you would actually say.








I understand that this is an individual assignment and by signing this I represent that the work I hand in is mine alone and I have not worked with other students, TAs, or faculty on this assignment.


Print Name: __________________________________________ Section: ________________


Sign Name: ___________________________________________            Date: ___________________


Studies have shown that acting on our values becomes easier, more like a habit, the more practice we have.  The Giving Voice to Values (GVV) assignment, consisting of detailed answers to four questions, is designed to help you to articulate your values, and shape an execution strategy that will be successful



RESOLVED: [state the resolve from the case that will be released to you]


  1. 1.      What is at stake for the key parties, including those who disagree with you? What is important to them? (Note: this question should be answered in table or bullet format for each stakeholder)



  1. What are the main arguments you are trying to counter?  That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?



  1. What arguments or levers can you use to influence those who disagree with you?   What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? 



  1. What is your PLAN OF ACTION? To whom should the argument be made?  When and in what context?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section:
Professor’s Name:
Date Submitted:
Doing Bad to Do Good
1 What is at stake for the key parties, including those who disagree with you? What is important to them?
My main goal is to do what is ethical that will be just and beneficial to the key parties involved. The key parties, in this case, are the disabled clients, the director and employees, the state agency, and myself. I consider the disabled clients, those running the community organization, and myself to be high-stake, while the state agency to be low-stake. The disabled clients value the quality of life that they have in the community organization, it is their life at stake when it comes to the kind of services and care that they will receive. The director and employees value the community organization including its clients, administration, and reputation. The state agency values the proper administration of the different organizations that they are handling. Lastly, I value my work and my reputation which will be gravely affected if I will tolerate fraudulent and unjust acts.
2 What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?
The director and employees of the community organization and the disabled clients somehow share the same argument supporting the unwritten policy of “doing bad to do good” to support the community organization and most especially the quality of life of the disa...
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