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“demand-driven” purpose for sending international assignees.

Essay Instructions:

Hi, this assignment is due on 18/11/2018 11:00p.m. Sunday. Please note that late submissions are not accepted. The Essay will be assessed based on content, analysis, writing style and references used. The essay should not exceed 1000 words (Maximum). Please be aware that the assignment is electronically reviewed for any potential plagiarized work. If you copy any scholarly work, publically available content or/and previously submitted student papers at any university, then the software will be able to detect it. Therefore, if you do not quote the original work appropriately, you will be breaching the academic integrity contract and will be penalized according to the Human Resource Management Department Policy. As a reminder, the policy states that if any of the students breached the Code of Conduct or the Academic Integrity Policy, then the student will receive a zero on the assessment and will get one letter grade less on the course final assessment.

The resource which will be used is a review power point, on page 29. Please read it before writing. Please finish this essay on time. Thank you very much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
How does a “demand-driven” purpose for sending international assignees differ from a “learning-driven” purpose? Explain both purposes extensively, compare them and provide an example of each.
Organizations send international assignees for various reasons. The first reason or purpose is known as the demand-driven purpose. A demand-driven purpose is one where the employee already has the required expertise and is sent to another country or region to address a problem or to oversee a project (Stahl et al., 94). The second purpose is known as learning-driven. This purpose, on the other hand, is one where the international assignee is not skilled or lacks the expertise and is thus sent to another country to learn new operations and to equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge (Stahl et al., 94). As indicated, the two are quite different, and while in one the international assignee or IA is expected to know how to adapt to a new culture, in the other, the IA is expected to interact with the locals and learn.
The first instance of the difference between these two purposes is the fact that demand-driven IAs are integrated into the management of companies while in the learning-driven purpose, the goal is often to develop management skills. For a demand-driven purpose, the goal is to either help salvage a sinking ship or introduce new and better management ideas. So, the IAs sent are often skilled and understand what is required of them. On the other hand, for learning-driven purposes, IAs are sent to go and amass knowledge and thus are involved in management development exercises and not in actual management positions. Their goal is to collect as much information regarding their assignment as possible.
The second distinction between the two purposes is that demand-driven is...
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