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Essay Instructions:
A debate about windmills/environment(pages 444-452) Read the two essay carefully and critically, noting how they are similar and how they differ. write a well-developed, 4 page paper analyzing the ways in which the two writer argue their positions. discuss in your paper the following: audience, writing style/strategies. use of evidence. which of the two essay is more convincing/persuasive to you? why? Be sure to include well-chosen quotes from both essay and format your quotes using the MLA style. your paper should not focus on your opinions on the controversy; you need to analyze and evaluate the two writers'arguments. I will upload the pictures of those two essay. please make sure those pictures you can see and read clean. if not, please send e-mail contact me. please make sure to read all two essay before to write this essay. be sure to find well-chose quotes from both essay£¬and Evidence. thank you!!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Windmills Environment The following paper highlights on the debate the importance of the implementation of the windmills as a form of energy in the environment. The debate is based on the arguments between two writers Robert .F. Kennedy. Jr article titled “An Ill wind Off Cape Cod” and Francis Broadhurst article “Cape Wind is Sound for The Sound”. Both the writers talk about the plans of the government of implementing and rising of windmills in Nantucket region that will be used as alternative sources of energy. In the articles both the writers argued on the importance of the implementation of the windmills as an alternative source of energy. Therefore, the two writers in there articles argued that the implementation of the windmills on the shores of the country will act as sources of energy generation to some extent this and this will be of great importance to the people living in the region. In both the articles, it’s noted that the article writers are emphasizing on the importance of the implementations of the windmills in the shores. The writers had varied reasons on the implementation of the windmills on the environment at the shores. The two essays are similar in various ways, this is from the ideas presented by the writers highlighting on the benefits and importance of the implementation windmills, this implementation of windmills will provide the citizens in the region with an alternative source of energy (Broadhurst, 450). Therefore, reducing the overdependence in fossil fuel as the main source of energy, this will provide them with energy in abundance and at the same time ensure that the flow of energy is constant and doesn’t vary or rationed as a result of fluctuating prices of fossil oil. The writers also indicated that the windmills will reduce cases of Global warming and also save the lives of the birds including the sea birds and other creatures as cases related to toxic gas emitions into the air will be reduced, (Broadhurst, 450). This is indicated in there works as they say that the windmills will generate there energy just from spinning when the wind is blows from the shores, this being a main reason of placing the windmills on the shores. This proposed project will also be tourist sites as the wind turbines that are huge and massive in size will attract tourists who come to see how they work therefore boosting the economy of the regions (Broadhurst, 451). The differences in these articles are diverse, in the article “An Ill wind Off Cape Cod” by Robert .F. Kennedy. Jr., he critically disagrees with the implementation of the deep water technology as it will expose the bird species in lots of danger because the turning turbines will kill lots of migrating birds. While, the article “Cape Wind is Sound for The Sound” by Francis Broadhurst, it states that the implementation will reduce the cases of toxic gases released in the air therefore the birds and other animal lives will be saved as the reduced toxic air will be reduced (Kennedy, 447). Robert .F. Kennedy Jr., is against the implementation of the windmills, this is because it will be of economical loses to the regions; this is when the region populations is going to be affected directly with thus project, he argues that the implementation of will render close to...
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