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Thomas Paine's Influence During the Revolution

Essay Instructions:
Did Thomas Paine's work (the common sense) influence people to support the Revolution or, alternatively, was Common Sense merely a reaction to the a revolutionary spirit that was already gaining momentum? Font 12 Times New roman At the end of the paper, should be a copy of this statment "The writing in this essay is my own work. If I have used outside sources, I have acknowledged them through correct documentation."
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Thomas Paine's Influence during the Revolution
The paper critically evaluates whether Thomas Paine’s work “the common sense” influence people to support revolution of if it was merely a reaction to the revolutionary spirit that was already gaining momentum.
Branded the father of American Revolution, Thomas Paine was a son of Paine, a Quaker and Frances and Anglican. He was born February 1737in Thetford rural Norfork in England. He attended Thetford Grammar School between 1744 and 1749. Later, in 1774 he migrated to America. Among his notable writing apart from ‘the common sense’ are ‘The Crisis’ which is a series of pamphlets ‘The Age of Reason’.
His work Common Sense
A pamphlet of 48 pages, it was first publish anonymously on January 1776, he said in part, “Author of this Production is, is wholly unnecessary to the Public, as the Object for Attention is the DOCTRINE ITSELF, not the MAN” (Paine 2).
The pamphlet had four sections; of the origin and design of government in general, with concise remarks on the English constitution. Society according to him is a blessing but government even in its best state is nothing but an evil (Paine 4). He acknowledges that as the size of a society expands, and problem arises, there is need of forming a government. Through his analysis of UK constitution, two tyrannies are identifies; monarchial and aristocratic.
Section two, that of monarchy and hereditary succession, Paine argued from a biblical perspective that all men are equal and the distinction between the ruler and the subject is false. He further examines the injustices caused due to monarchy which include corruption, generally the power of a monarch were destructive
Section three, thoughts on the present state of America affairs, he examines the bad blood between England and America, he brings forth the best alternative to be independence. He proposed that a continental charter be formed; this in his own opinion will secure “…..freedom and property to all men, and… the free exercise of religion” (Paine 44). Instinctively, his proposal with little modification over time is what constitutes to the structure of the present America.
The forth and last section is a positive view held by Paine concerning the ability of American military to out do their rival, royal navy.
According to Brandstreet (1), the common sense brought the American Revolution to the masses. The language used by Paine while speaking to his audience was very direct, passionate and daring unlike others who used rhetoric style to communicate. His work brought among all the Americans the sense of urgency, patriotism which was only practiced by a few who were of the intellectual class. This was thought to foster success. It is worth noting that a lot of Americans bought the published version.
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