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16th and 17th Century Poetry

Essay Instructions:
This is an assignment based on readings of 16th and 17th century poetry from The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1 8th Edition. There are four sections of questions about the readings then an essay section. I will attach the assignment sheet once I've placed my order.
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Institution: Student Name: Title: Date of submission: PROJECT 2 ASSIGNMENT 6 The prominent attitudes towards women in Wyatt’s poetry include; despairing attitude, complaining attitude. This is implicated by “the poet’s despair and bitterness tend to predominate.” in line seven of the passage. Another attitude portrayed by the poet towards women is hatred as expressed in line number four. “An hot-headed passion and an ideal but maliciously unresponsive mistress.” There is a difference between lines 2,3,4,5 and 16. This is because the first four lines are expressing about the feelings of a woman who is not satisfied in a relationship. Line 16 is all about a depressed man who is more reflective as compared to another young and vibrant man by the name Sidney. I prefer line 5 because it exalts the lover and then expresses how the lover suffers by turns. It further explains how the lover is confused between hope and despair. Ways in which “The lie “adopts a stance of defiance and contempt toward Raleigh’s own career under Elizabeth? In “the lie,” lying is condemned and therefore, Raleigh’s own career challenged to a duel. The shape of Raleigh’s own career under Elizabeth is accomplished in that there is no compromise about personal integrity, corruption also not tolerated and even hypocrisy. This “to accuse of lying and thereby challenge to aduel-aseries of representatives of corruption and hypocrisy,” proves. Chief characteristics of Sidney’s sonnets. Sidney is the paradigmatic Petrarchan lover. He was also unduly artificial and slightly bitter. Sidney is inspirational and authentic. This characteristic differentiates Sidney’s sonnets from those of his predecessors, Wyatt and Surrey as they provided models for an explosion of the aristocratic English lyric poetry. Their relationship was influenced by classical and continental lyric genres. As opposed to Sidney who aspired to the complex, and versatile ideal of the renaissance courtier. Sidney describes the public as greed and selfish because of their wealthy status and not being considerate to him. They instead humiliate him even though they do not understand his love feelings toward the lover “Stella.” ASSIGNMENT 7. The dark lady a sonnet by William Shake spear. This is the second series of Shakespeare. In this poem, the speaker portrays himself as two different persons. The first person portrays the man in love with the dark lady whereas the second person portrays the one who denies this fact. The poem tries to bring out a conflicting internal motive say between lust and reason. This result into a dilemma where the soul which is bound to the body takes a different position as opposed to the body desires referring to the dark lady. Financial language has been applied to convey the theme of the poem which is slave-hood. This is illustrated with words such as “debtor”, “mortgag’d” and “bond” used in line number six. Attitudes towards women include; Undermining attitude when the speaker says ‘just for financial gain ‘ in the last stanza. Another attitude is hatred when the speaker says “is haunting and degrading.” ASSIGNMENT 8 At the end of the play Viola/ Cesario is a woman. Gender is a matter, of biology and not of dress. Duke Orsino insists on continuing to call Viola ‘Cesario’ because of the disguise plot as he had not yet realized the real identity of Viola. The play’s message conveyed by the ambiguities of rank is lack of trust among the leaders. ASSIGMENT 9 Love is one of the personal feelings expressed. This is found on line two of the poem “loved boy.” Another personal feeling is loss when he says”oh, could I lose all father now” line five. The author also has the feeling of blame when he says” my sin was too much hope of thee” in line two. Arguments developed from the theme of an earlier “joining” are; One of the arguments is that the two bloods mingled after the sucking. It is illustrated in line four “and in this flea, our two bloods mingled.” Another argument is about the parents grudge and yet the two had already met. “Though parents grudge, and you, w’are met.” Comparisons of lines 25 and 36 in a poem. The poet says in line twenty five of the ...
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