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The Way of Seeing

Essay Instructions:
Paper #2 Assignment The first draft of this paper, together with your revision in response to my comments, will comprise 20% of your final course grade. This paper should be three to four typed, double-spaced pages. It is due on October 21. Please bring two extra copies for peer editing on that day. You have a choice of two options for this prompt. Option #1 ¨C Go to the library and look through some art books, or take to the Internet. Select a painting which interests you, and spend as much time as possible studying it. Make a xerox of it, and write about it using a concept or theme from Ways of Seeing. Any of the major ideas covered in the book (sexism in art, the function of the still life, its status as a reproduction of an original, etc.) are acceptable jumping-off points. Make an argument about whether Berger¡¯s ideas apply to the painting you¡¯ve selected, or whether Berger would find this piece to be an exception to the rule. Or, you could argue that the work you¡¯ve selected goes beyond his categories. In any case, you should cite specific passages from Berger, and analyze the painting as part of an argument with or against Berger. (And yes, it¡¯s okay if you sort of agree, sort of disagree!) Option #2 ¨C Paying close attention to the arguments in Berger, especially chapter seven, select a print advertisement and analyze it. Does it refer to the still life? How do text and image interact? What kind of lifestyle is it selling? What kinds of cultural knowledge does it presume? What does the ad assume about gender, race, and class? These are just a few of the things your essay can explore. The main point of the assignment is to describe the advertisement as an argument, and provide an analysis of how it attempts to persuade its audience. Specific citations to Berger¡¯s text (chapter seven, or any other pertinent part) will strengthen your argument. This essay is mostly about the book " The Way of Seeing" from John Berger, please briefly read the book and choose one of the opions above. when you finish writing the paper, please tell me which opion you chose. Thank you.
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(29 October 2010)
The arguments Of Berger: Chapter seven; select a print advertisement and analyze it
In John Berger book “The Ways of seeing” the author brings into perspective images and texts as interpreted by individuals based on their belief, history, and events interpretation. Berger surveys the way persons view and interpret different objects in their environment. He first gives the fact that seeing comes before words and thus individuals will first see an object e.g. an art before interpreting its meaning.
He ascertains that individuals are always linked to the environment and the power of sight makes individuals understand and learn their environment; this can be understood in the statement “It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it (Berger, 7). He continues to explain that seeing gives meaning to persons in their quest to understand their surroundings. This means that it develops thoughts and meaning which in turn help in understanding the environment.
Therefore in his articles he looked at different ways in which the individuals will looks at a certain piece of art such as a; print advert, painting or drawing that is used to persuade, inform, entertain and educate the society. Viewing the art would help individuals comment on the painting without a lot of writings or guidance from the painter or designer of the piece of art (Berger, p 158).
In Chapter seven of the book Berger majorly highlighted on the use of art and its effects on the society living around. In this chapter he indicated that by critical analyzing a piece of art the person that is looking at the painting or even the print advert should be in a position to link the owner of the art and the art; this is an aspect that is used in print advertising (photography). In addition he stated that in order for a piece of art to be more meaningful to the audience who will be seeing the picture or drawing, the text incorporated on the picture should highlight what the picture is showing the audience. The audience will then as a way of behavioral change mechanism link to the art and relate to it in their environmental setting; this will make the life of the audience to become better as compared to its current state in that it improves the lives of a person from being good to best (Berger, p 156). In chapter seven the author also develops the relationship between ownership and art by exploring not only modern clients and publicity but also advertising of photography. Envy and glamour are also identified in that when one is envied then the person is glamorous and above all the glamour is manufactured by publicity.
The print advertisement that I’ll analyze for the purpose of this assignment will be an advert by the Vancouver Aquarium a non-profit organization based in Canada dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life. The most intriguing print advertisement by the Vancouver Aquarium was the one titled “if the frogs extinct you will notice the difference...
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