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When Students Drop the F-Bomb

Essay Instructions:
http://www(dot)insidehighered(dot)com/news/2010/05/19/swear here is the link that you will need to read this article and write the essay Hi, this is the following instruction.five paragraphs minimum. And you also need to answer the question below in each paragraphs..thanks The article is informative; its author is not taking a stand on the issue. However, you may consider at least three aspects of it, such as the following: *Should Hinds Community College retain the right to issue monetary fines and demerits to students for swearing? *Should the professor have handled the situation differently? If so, how? *Is it possible or desirable to regulate profanity in public places? *At what point does freedom of speech cross the line and become a matter of disruption? (See seventh paragraph.) Obviously, the above suggestions are not in any particular order. You should also feel free to discuss other aspects that may occur to you. Remember: the third person is the default for essays. Do not use first person unless you have a personal experience that is relevant to the subject matter and necessary for your essay. Do not use the second person at all.
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When Students Drop the F-Bomb
Nowadays swearing is so common among students and teenagers that it has become a part of their regular vocabulary. Their sentence is not complete without there being a swear word in it, whatever it is. And the astonishing part is that these teenagers do not even see who is around and where they are before thinking to swear. Such profanity and vulgarity just reflects the unprofessionalism and immorality that the people indulge in. In spite of such a trend becoming more and more popular, and in spite of the fact that the elders and betters surely do not approve of such a behavior, there are not many colleges or institutions that actually regulate the language of their students. There definitely are certain rules in some institutes that discourage swearing and use of profanity, but this is simply not enough in such a day where it has become a part of everyday life.
However, there is one Hinds Community College that really puts its students into trouble in case they swear and are caught. Their punishment is monetary fines or demerits that can even cause suspension. Such attitude from the college can be beneficial for students as they might then keep in mind the punishment they might have to endure in case they did not learn to control their language. In fact, other colleges and institutions can also adopt this rule and it is possible that on campus swearing reduces. Such a rule should be supported by parents as well. Sadly, however, this is not the case everywhere and nowadays parents usually side with their children even if they are the offending party. In these kinds of cases such students cannot be helpe...
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