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Will Wilkinson Tries To Connect Country Music To Politics

Essay Instructions:

Original writing that responds to the question or prompt thoughtfully, demonstrates careful reading and an excellent understanding of the text in question, makes a clear, thoughtful, and accurate point using several details from the text as well as original thinking. The response is easy to follow with a reasonably logical structure and organization. It may contain some non-serious unintentional errors of standard American English conventions that would benefit from editing but do not seriously interfere with clarity or readability. double space needed.

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Will Wilkinson
In his article, Will Wilkinson tries to connect country music to politics. He associates country music to conservatives and contrasts it with the type of music listened to by liberals. While conservatives tend to prefer upbeat and conventional music, liberals like every other type of music better. According to Wilkinson, aspects such as small towns, love at first sight, and dirt roads resonate well with the conservative way of life. Therefore, Wilkinson tries to point out the relationship that exists between country music and conservative culture.
It is interesting for Wilkinson to include scientific research in the article in trying to explore the psychology of liberals and conservatives. Wilkinson quotes how two traits of the “Big Five Framework” explain the individual differences of people in regards to political orientation. These two orientations are Conscientiousness and Openness to New Experiences. The quote by Wilkinson shows that there exist robust, replicable, and biologically significant personality differences between conservatives and liberals. While liberals are creative, open-minded, and curious, conservatives are conventional and orderly. The integration of this scientific concept into his article validates to a great extent the point he puts forth. As a liberal, Wilkinson scores highly in “openness to new experiences” while he scores lowly on conscientiousness. Therefore, it is easy to tell that he is a liberal just from the scores on the personality te...
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