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Legalization Of Assisted Suicide: A Solution To The Problem

Essay Instructions:

Argumentative essay Legalization of assisted suicide

Choose one of the following argument models:
 Toulmin
 Classical
 Rogerian
Write an argumentative essay that accomplishes all of the following tasks:
 Labels each section of the essay according to the argument elements (claim, grounds,
 Uses one of the argument models listed above (flexibility: May add up to 2 additional
argument elements as long as the model is still followed)
 Clearly establishes the problem being addressed
 Clearly proposes a solution to the problem
 Clear audience and purpose of the essay's argument
I was a bit confused about what you guys meant for subject area. This is for an english class; but the subject matter is medically related

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Legalization of Assisted Suicide
Throughout the world history, suffering and death have been the center of interest among the people across the world (strinic 2). Researchers have continuously conducted studies to look for ways to minimize or cure the pain associated with the dying process. The current treatment options only focus on management of pain and quality of life. They include the use of drugs and different types of therapy. In some cases, where the traditional means fail to eliminate suffering and pain or no hope of healing, patients may consider assisted suicide or euthanasia. Euthanasia is a type of death, where an individual who is terminally ill and believes life is not worth living in that state, may authorize a health care provider to use the suitable means to kill them (Sarah 28). Usually, it is conducted through the administration of a deadly overdose of antidepressant, a sedative or narcotic (strinic 2). Up to today, there has been a heated debate on whether assisted suicide should be legalized or not, and only Netherlands has legalized this practice. I will use the classical model to explain why euthanasia is a suitable method to end the pain of terminally ill patients and why it should be legalized.
Why Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalized
First, fatally ill people usually go through severe pain as well as suffering and administering pain reliever is just another away of prolonging their agony. Terminal illnesses make life unpleasant and result in the hopelessness that many patients are not ready to carry on. It is worth noting that suffering may take different forms, but emotional despair and physical agony dominate in the patients with minimal hope of ever recovering from their diseases. Today, technologies such as the use of respirators may help to support failing lungs of a patient or medication that can sustain their physiological processes (Strinic 7). However, people with...
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