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Why Women Still Cant Have It All

Essay Instructions:

This essay is about summarizing the article of ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER, why women still cant have it all.

Instruction include

including a brief summary of the author main points, making sure to identify the author thesis

2)Evaluate the text supporting evidence in a mature manner using appropriate language

3) cite and or quote specific passages as necessary to prove your point 

4)include a personal response to the article 

5)avoid logical fallacies particularly the either or fallacy

6)Treat the original work with respect and quote fairly

should be 900-1200 words

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Why Women Still Cant Have It All
Current times are full of competing individuals: from school to careers, everyone is struggling to outwit his/her peers. As a result, professionals spend most of their time working and spend less time caring about their families. Critical to the discussion is the fact that professional women are always faced with a dilemma of choosing between their professional life and family lives. Perhaps it is because the society models women into caregivers and men into breadwinners. It follows that women who choose to pursue professions have a challenge of maintaining their roles as a caregivers and still pursue their careers. It is why Slaughter (2012) published an article with the title "Why Women Still Can’t Have It All." The author argues that women in leadership positions have a task of raising their voices and setting examples that will allow other women to balance their work and personal lives.
The author uses her life experience to discuss challenges faced by women who choose to pursue their careers to the top. As evidence, the author served as the first woman director of policy planning at the state department. Further, she worked as a law professor and a dean at the Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International affairs. It is critical that the author discusses some of the solutions women can use to overcome the challenge of progressing to leadership positions in their careers. For instance, Slaughter (90) argues that commitment to family and careers could propel a woman to success. Nonetheless, the author believes that commitment is not enough because top jobs have high levels of pressure, relentless travel, and inflexible schedules. As a result, Anne Marie advises that the present system of work should be transformed to match school schedules. This owes to the reality that the author mentions that "the present system, she noted, is based on a society that no longer exists—one in which farming was a major occupation and stay-at-home moms were the norm. Yet the system hasn’t changed."
Additional solutions to problems facing women who aim to reach top positions in their careers include marrying the right person and sequencing right. The author cites that "the most important career decision you’re going to make is whether or not you have a life partner and who that partner is" (Slaughter, 92) This was a quotation from, Lisa Jackson, who argues that she would never have been successful if her husband did not spend time with their children. However, Slaughter (2012) reveals that women may be uncomfortable staying away from their children even when they stay away from their children knowing that their husbands are taking care of the children. The author also argues that choosing the right s...
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