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At a dinner honoring the poet on his 85th birthday, linonel Trilling stated;"I think of Robert frost as a terrifying poet... The universe he conceives is a terrifying universe. ead the poem called design and see if you sleep better for it. read neither out far in deep and see if individual characters inhabiting frost poems, trillingasked "when ever have people been so isolated, so lightning blasted, so tied down... by life, so reduced, each in his own way,to some last irreducible core of being ?" Using any of Robert Frost poems of your choosing as evidence, either support or refute Trillings assertions. Inyour analysis pay particular attention to frost diction, imagery, rhythm, and rhyme; such elements, inextricable from the poem itself, often suggest or reveal meaning. you can use any Robert frost poems

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The world of poetry is full of scholars who specialize in different literary styles and themes. Among them is Robert Frost, who is thought by other poets as terrifying. As evidence, Lionel Trilling stated; "I think of Robert frost as a terrifying poet... The universe he conceives is a terrifying universe." Critical to the discussion is the fact that Robert Frost published a variety of poems. For instance, Frost published poems such as "The Road Not Taken," "Design," and "Nothing Gold Can Stay." It is also imperative to highlight that Frost wrote poems that depicted the dark side of human life. In fact, it is why scholars similar to Robert Frost decided to critic his poems. This owes to the reality that Lionel Trilling and Robert Langbaum enjoyed to critic Robert Frost. Suffice to mention that the poem titled "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" should be critiqued, because Lionel Trilling was correct when he asserted that the universe conceived by Frost is terrifying.
The poet was born of William Prescott Frost and Isabelle Moodie on 26th of March 1874. The parents moved to San Francisco after getting married implying Frost was born in Francisco. However, Frost spent most of his life in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which are covered by snow. Perhaps it is why the poem, like many of Frost’s poems, always includes the word snow. It is notable that various scholars tried to analyze the meaning of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." As a result, most of them concluded that the poem ends with a rejection of what the woods represent and affirms what the promises represent. However, the scholars’ analysis differed because they developed different meanings from the poem. For instance, Lawrence Thompson believes that the poem is about life, its hardships, responsibilities, and duties (Literature and the Reader, 14). Analogously, William Van O'Connor and Leonard Unger believe the poem is about a traveller’s choice between moral action and estheticism while John Ciardi believes the poem is about a death wish.
It is advisable to provide a summary of the poem prior to beginning the analysis because it lays the foundation for the entire discussion. It follows that the poem is about a persona who is travelling across the woods and realizes that the woods are beautiful. As a result, the persona stops to marvel at the woods and fears that the owner might spot him staring at his woods. It is then that the persona realizes the owner of the woods does not live nearby. This gives the persona an ample time to continue enjoying the scenery before the persona’s horse attracts his/her attention. Specifically, the horse was forced to attract the persona’s attention because the horse could not understand how the persona decided to stop in a lonely place (Frost and Jeffers, 19). This is because the environment lacked people or hay. Critical to the discussion is the fact that the persona continued with his journey because he/she had obligations.
Clearly, scholars have tried to analyze the poem under discussion, and have reached different conclusions regarding the subject. However, they agree about the conclusion of the poem, implying it would be intelligent to begin analyzing the poem from their point of agreement. To begin with, the title of t...
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