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Why Men Still Can't Have It All

Essay Instructions:

This essay is about summarizing the article why men still cant have it all by Richard dorment. Include a brief summary of the author main points, making sure to identify the author thesis 2) evaluate the text supporting evidence in a mature manner using appropriate language 3) cite and or quote specific passages as necessary to prove your point 4)include a personal response to the article 5)Avoid logical fallacies particularly the either or fallacy 6) treat the original work with respect and quote fairly. the article should be 1000 words

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Why Men Still Can't Have It All
The subject of work life balance is attracting attention from scholars and professionals from different industries. As evidence, Richard Dorment and Anne-Marie Slaughter have publications on the subject under discussion. Specifically, Slaughter (2012) made a publication called "Women Still Can’t Have it All." Critical to the discussion is the fact that Slaughter believes that, as opposed to men, women cannot be successful as both mothers and professionals. In response, Dorment (2013) published an article called "Why Men Still Can't Have It All." Additionally, the two authors have contrasting opinions on whether men can be successful as both professionals and fathers. It is also notable that Dorment quotes Sheryl Sandberg to highlight some of the challenges faced by women. Needless to mention, Dorment also provides experiences from men to illustrate the differences between men’s choices and women’s choices. In short, Dorment argues that both men and women may not have it all, but the decision to become a successful parent and professional is a personal choice.
It is crucial to highlight that even though Dorment (2012) concludes that women prefer to work hard as mothers at the expense of their professions, the author still acknowledges problems faced by women. For instance, Dorment (n.p) reveals that "Institutional sexism and pay discrimination are still ugly realities." Further, the author asserts that men are to blame for the problems faced by women who want to pursue their careers to top positions. Specifically, the author argues that men have subdued women under their rule for long. As a result, it becomes difficult for women to trust that their male counterparts will share everything equally without putting a fight. In addition, it is particularly interesting to realize that women spend a lot of time and effort on housework than men. It is because Dorment (n.p) provides a personal experience, which demonstrates that even if men worked in the house, women still find reasons to redo their work. Clearly, the author reveals that women face challenges that prevent them from pursuing their professions to greater heights.
As mentioned before, Dorment (n.p) published the article under discussion in response to an earlier publication from Slaughter (2012). As a result, the author refers to Slaughter’s publication. For example, Dorment cites Slaughter by mentioning that women prefer to spend more time with their children and a...
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