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“I Want a Wife”: Which of these roles and stereotypes still apply today and which have fallen by the way side?

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Please write an essay from below information, related to the book attached. Citation is not required. No Plagiarism Please send back 20 m. before.

In Judy Brady’s essay, “I Want a Wife,” which she published in 1972, she describes certain gender roles and stereotypes associated with women in the US. Which of these roles and stereotypes do you think still apply today and which have fallen by the way side? Have women made enough progress during this time?

Write a well-organized essay. Remember to begin by stating Brady’s argument for why she wants a wife. Also, please double space.

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Which of these roles and stereotypes do you think still apply today and which have fallen by the way side? Have women made enough progress during this time?
Judy Brady’s essay I Want a Wife seeks to question the stereotypical role of women in the United States. The sarcastic piece speaks to the many demands and expectations against married women. The journey to attain equality has been long and hard for women, not only in the United States but in the world as well. The patriarchal system of the world seems to have fostered a world where women are expected to tailor their lives according to the needs of men. In her essay, Brady captures several stereotypes, some of which are still applicable today. Provided herein is an elucidation of some of the roles and stereotypes against women that are still applicable today as well as an analysis of the progress women have made.
One stereotype that is still applicable today involves women being good nurturant attendants to children. There is a widespread belief that women are better placed to nurture and take care of children. Women are believed to have an innate ability to offer physical and emotional care to children. This belief is still applicable in the United States despite sufficient evidence to indicate that not all women know how to take care of children much less want to have to children. However, because of their potential for compassion compared to men, this stereotype continues to hold water among many.
Aside from the above, there is also the belief that wives should be taking care of the needs of men. These include keeping clothes clean, ironing their husband’s clothes, and replacing them as well. Also, since men are considered carefree and clumsy, it is the work of the women to ensure that their personal things are kept safe. What the above appears to indicate is that women should ensure that the needs of men are met. Also, they have to take responsibility for the men’s recklessness or clumsiness.
Women are also expected to be sensitive to the sexual needs of men. Men expect women to agree to whichever ideas of intimacy they have. The idea of submission is often floated around, and women are exp...
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