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Plastic Surgical Procedures Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

4-5 page persuasive essay. It needs 3 reliable sources, please use at least one of the 2 following reliable sources. Thank you.

Please use at least 1 one of these 2 reliable sources

1. https://go-gale-com(dot)hcc(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=Reference&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=MultiTab&hitCount=8&searchType=BasicSearchForm¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CCX7980900439&docType=Topic+overview&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZHRC-MOD1&prodId=HWRC&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CCX7980900439&searchId=R2&userGroupName=housaton_main&


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Plastic Surgery
Beauty is very important in our world. It can be seen with how beauty is rampantly commercialized through makeup, fashion, treatments, etc. It is as if people actually equate happiness with beauty, and in our case beauty that is dictated by society. The advancements in technology also come in various ways that a person can improve his/her physical appearance, and this has become a norm. The social media trends and celebrities have done a lot in promoting a certain standard of beauty, which lead to many people undergoing plastic surgery, but it should be known that plastic surgeries have consequences and negative effects that should be considered for both the patient and the society.
Plastic surgery refers to the alteration of an individual’s anatomical structure and physical appearance for cosmetic enhancement. Examples of these surgeries are rhinoplasties, double eyelid surgery, and breast augmentation. Based on the latest International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) global survey, the total procedures have increased by 5.4% in 2018 and this has shown a continuous rise in comparison to previous data. This reflects how society views plastic surgery and beauty.
One of the biggest concerns in plastic surgery is the expensive cost. Billions of dollars are spent by Americans on plastic surgeries that will change their appearance and make them look like some famous personality or whatever is the ideal structure of models. The usual average cost of these procedures is from $100 to $50,000 (Jung et al.). Many people from different walks of life want to undergo the procedure at the lowest possible price possible to get the best value for their money. However, problems sometimes arise because of cheap and low-quality surgeries which do not deliver good results. Overall, it is not a practical procedure because it is unnecessary and is for aesthetic purposes without affecting a person’s functionality.
Health risks and complications
Plastic surgery predisposes the patients to unnecessary health risks and complications (Ross et al.). There are a lot of possibilities that can happen when the surgery takes place because it is still a medical operation, and the changes or additional structures that will be reconstructed will need to be compatible with the body since there is a chance that the body may reject it. Another instance that may happen is the need for a series of adjustments and operations after the initial plastic surgery, adding more risks which may even cause death. Some of the other health risks and complications are vascular or nerve compression, hematoma, the reaction from the presence of a foreign body, scarring, fibrosis, rupture, or breakdown.
The recovery time of patients who underwent plastic surgery also differs depending on the procedure, body part, surgeon, and technique used. Most take 2 days up to 2 weeks but are usually still recovering even months later the procedure (Lin). This is a concern because undergoing plastic surgery results in limitations when doing activities of daily living, and even more on the site of operation. This kind of limitation ca...
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