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Relationship between human and beast Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay on this question: What is the relationship between human and beast? What makes a human human?

1. writing requirements: (1) It has a clearly defined purpose; (2) It makes a clear point; (3) It supports that point with sufficient specific information; (4) The information is clearly connected and arranged; and (5) The words are appropriate, and the sentences are clear, concise, emphatic, and correct.

2. Use only 8.5x11 sized paper and staple the package on the upper left corner. On the upper right corner of the 1st page, please clearly indicate your name, your serial # given in this class, class info, kind of assignment, title of your work, and due date.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Relationship between Human and Beast
Humans have a long history of relationships with beasts to trigger the current debates on what makes humans human. From a biological and evolutionary standpoint, both humans and beasts originate from the kingdom Animalia. The relationship is, however, considered deeper than what biology dictates. The debate, however, is anchored on the differences between humans and beasts. To some, any close relationships between the two factions should deliver similar behavioral structures. Countering arguments have been based on how humans are dissociating their nature from beasts to machines. With all such inputs, the debate must be settled on what makes humans count as humans and not beasts. This paper explores the relationship between humans and beasts with an insightful analysis of what makes humans to be considered humans.
The Relationship
The relationship between humans and beasts has been linked to the interactions between the two factions. Studies indicate that human-beast relationships exist at the biological, individual, and cultural levels. At the scientific/natural level, humans and beasts are descendants of the same kingdom, the kingdom Animalia (Menna et al., 3660). By sharing origin, humans and beasts share characteristics. One aspect of similarity between humans and beasts is that they share similar social skills. Social interactions are essential to humans. Most humans believe that their difference from beasts is primarily based on their ability to choose their social lives. That is not correct because beasts showcase similar social skills as humans. Dogs, for instance, have genes that mirror those of humans when it comes to social interactions. Like humans, dogs can choose and pick their social groups according to their preferences.
The similarities between humans and beasts in social aspects extend beyond the choice of social groups. Like humans, beasts also communicate. Studies have indicated that beasts manifest both verbal and facial expressions, some of which can mirror human behaviors (Menna et al., 3660). Cows, for instance, adapt their communication skills based on their geographical locations. Cows can develop different accents when placed in different social settings. Dolphins are also known to use stimulants to overcome stressful situations. When stressed, dolphins pass pufferfish between their bodies. Pufferfish releases chemicals for its defense that intoxicates dolphins. Studies have further indicated that some species of chimpanzees are religious and arrange stones to emphasize their religious beliefs. Even more, similarities are showcased in the sexual orientation of beasts and humans. Like humans, some animals are homosexual, while others are bisexual. Studies indicate that sheep are overly homosexual. Ultimately, both humans and beasts tend to seek shelter and develop structures to ensure their security from attacks. From all such similarities, the arguments against human-beast relationships are refutable on multiple grounds.
The human-beast relationship has been subject to multiple studies that drive new insights into the concept. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has established that the relationship between humans and beasts extends beyond the basic biological confines (Korkunova and Tatyana, 8). AVAM indicates that the human-beast bond is largely beneficial whenever it exists. The health and well-being of both parties have been a primary factor in creating an understanding of human-beast relationships. The bonds include but are not limited to aspects such as physical, psychological, and emotional interactions. AVMA recognizes the existence of a bond between beasts and animals and how such a bond affects the health of both (Korkunova and Tatyana, 7). The inputs further indicate that the bonds have existed for years, and they serve human...
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