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Communication: An Important Aspect at Work

Essay Instructions:

Homework No. 5

Instructions: your last homework assignment is to reflect on the semester we’ve spent together. I want you to think about everything we discussed and write a 1 page paper describing which topics you think will prove useful to you after graduation and as you build your career. Also explain why you think those topics will be useful. It will likely be helpful for you to limit your discussion to 2 or three topics.

Use this word doc as the template for the assignment (times 12pt font, single space, 1” margins).

This assignment is limited to 1 page in length.

This homework assignment is due at 1159PM Thursday December 3 2020 via UBLearns.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
COM217 Organizations Fall 2017YOUR NAME HERE
Homework No. 5
Instructions: your last homework assignment is to reflect on the semester we’ve spent together. I want you to think about everything we discussed and write a 1 page paper describing which topics you think will prove useful to you after graduation and as you build your career. Also explain why you think those topics will be useful. It will likely be helpful for you to limit your discussion to 2 or three topics.
Communication is one of the most important aspects in running an organization. Without effective communication organizations would fall due to their failure to reach their collective goals and the amount of losses that they might incur. In the past semester one of the things that I realized was despite the importance of communication within the workplace, there are a variety of things that could hinder this process. On the one hand, there are internal noises and preferences that could affect how a person could (or want) to communicate. On the other hand, there are also a lot of external factors that could hin...
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