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Textual Analysis of Social Contract and Oliver Twist

Essay Instructions:

Write an in-depth, multi-paragraph essay. Indent each new paragraph; do not skip lines. Your essay should be coherent, with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Discuss TWO of the texts that we studied this semester. You must choose texts from two different periods: Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment, Victorians, Counter-Victorians. Any combination of two will work. However ...

Refer to the document called “Authors + Texts” (on adamabraham.info) for a list of authors studied. In your essay, be sure to mention the title and the author’s name for each text discussed.

YOUR TASK: consider how your selected texts represent their places in literary history.

Do not simply retell the plot. Do not conduct research. The question is not “What do other people in the world think of this text?” Draw on your understanding of the course material.

There is no need to compare and contrast two different time periods. Instead, think about how each text illuminates or exemplifies its historical category.

Be specific. What are the most important features? How does the text work? Make an argument that shows that the text is representative of Enlightenment, Counter-Enlightenment, Victorian, or Counter-Victorian ideas. Use details from each text to make your case.

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December 4, 2020
Textual Analysis of Social Contract and Oliver Twist
Understanding the relationship between texts and the context in which they are written is essential for any student. It allows him to better appreciate the text by knowing the different external factors that could affect the author's intentions and perception of the world around him. In this article, I would like to focus on two texts created in various human history eras – The Social Contract and Oliver Twist. Mainly, I would like to focus on how each of these texts represents the ear on which they were made concerning the possible factors that have influenced the author's mindset. All in all, I believe that by looking at a text in the context of its external environment, a reader could gain more insights about it and even apply it in any period.
Text and History
The first text that I was to analyze is Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract. One of the reasons this book is considered one of the staple texts in the field of Political Science, Economy, and sociology is that it aims to shed light on the relationship between the government and the individuals. In general, Rousseau discussed that this relationship is characterized by a compromise between the individual's free will and government responsibility. He noted that while the government's sovereign nature stems from individual free will, the former's limits are necessary to preserve the State and the individual CITATION Rou64 \l 1033 (Rousseau). Although this idea might seem simple and straightforward, a closer analysis of the enlightenment context would show that Rousseau's vision was a response to the various atrocities committed by the State a...
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