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Western and Non-Western View Point of Aesthetic in Dentistry

Essay Instructions:

I want two Full pages of assignment discussing the following topic

Explain the different between traditional western and non western view point of aesthetic in dentistry? How they are different from each other? example?

Double space and 12 font

minimum 3 references with in text citation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research Paper- western and non western view point of aesthetic in dentistry
Explain the different between traditional western and non western view point of aesthetic in dentistry? How they are different from each other? example?
Dental aesthetics is the study, art, science and solving problems related to the mouth’s harmony, ensuring, in turn, good functionality and oral health. The common treatments in dental aesthetics focus on the teeth, and there are those targeting the gums. Generally, in Western culture, the dental aesthetic pattern is represented by a harmoniously balanced smile, perfect alignment teeth, healthy teeth and gums, and teeth with a healthy whitish (Mehl et al., 528). A perfect smile with white, well-aligned teeth and healthy gums symbolize youth, health and beauty in western cultures, while non-western cultures do not place much importance on whitened and symmetrical teeth.
In the western world, there is a preference for white or extremely white teeth in some cases, but this is not necessarily the case in non-western cultures such as East Asia where teeth blackening was practiced in the past. In non-western societies such as China dental aesthetics are not a priority as there is no high demand and need for aesthetic procedures among the population (Mehl et al., 528). In some communities in Ethiopia, lip plates or stretched lower lip are a cultural phenomenon that signifies beauty among the women (Agbo).Recurrent tooth-bleaching and whitening treatments are likely more common in western societies.
Ohaguro is the Japanese custom or tradition of staining the teeth black n Japan. They did it mainly in geishas, princesses, married women, and sometimes high social class and samurai. In married women, blackening the teeth symbolized beauty, wealth and sexual maturity, and was decreed by the Japanese emperor (Ancient Origins) This tradition spread to almost all women and signified being ready for marriage. Still, some understand it as a beautiful lady'...
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