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The different elements in the book As I lay Dying.

Essay Instructions:

Cleanth Brooks said of As I lay Dying that … it is a mix of the grotesque, the heroic, the comic and the pathetic.

Grotesque -- art that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness or caricature.

Heroic --- overcoming great obstacles by means of strategy, great strength and/or effort.

Comic – a ludicrous or farcical event or series of events.

Pathetic --- having a capacity to move one to either compassionate or contemptuous pity.

Discuss how these elements are present in the novel.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Different Elements in The Book as I Lay Dying
Grotesque is the abnormal appearance of characters and incidents in a story. Grotesque characters or events can be presented using a mix of comedy and horror to create a “sick joke.” As I Lay Dying is filled with grotesque events. For instance, when Anse decides to set Cash’s broken leg with cement. To Anse, this is a practical alternative because Cash cannot afford to have a doctor set his leg. However, as the reader, one sees how outrageous Anse’s suggestion is. Not only is she a representation of the grotesque, but what she suggests is also ludicrous. Another example is when the Bundren family travels for days with a smelling corpse. This is perhaps the most outrageous event in the novel. The corpse is hauled around in hot weather for almost a week, which creates a nauseating effect on everyone they meet.
Heroism is the ability to overcome great obstacles. In the novel, there are various instances of heroism. However, the manner in which Faulkner creates these moments of heroism makes them seem absurd. For instance, when the Bundren family is on their way to bury Addie, they manage to defeat fire and water. The family’s take on their ability to overcome these obstacles is that of heroism. However, one cannot help but feel that some of their actions during the entire journey are irrational. Another instance of absurd heroism is when Jewel runs into the Bundren’s burning barn to free the trapped horses and mules and save Ad...
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