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Language Essay: A Particular Public Place

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A Particular Public Place
Public places are essential to society because they bring people together and enhance humans' innate need to interact. A public space could be a restaurant, a museum, a park, or a beach. In modern-day society, the population is growing, becoming increasingly hard to protect these public places. In the future, there will likely be lesser parks and beaches as developers and landowners seek to privatize and monetize these public spaces. This paper is an analysis essay on public parks.
Public parks are spaces where individuals go to relax, walk, run, and play. Families can go to the park for a picnic or give their kids some free space to roam and play. Dog owners can also take their dogs to parks to walk them or play with them. In some cases, people go to the park to engage in recreational activities such as chess. In the present-day, public parks are highly monitored because more people are using them. This is brought about by a large number of individuals and families living in apartments in urban areas. Lack of outdoor space to relax, play, and roam prompts them to use parks.
Public parks are fun places, but for some, they are dangerous. In a society where individuals are increasingly showing different personality traits, likely, one might not encounter the right characters in a park. For instance, there has been an increase in the number of mass shootings in America over the last two years. This has led many people to be wary of crowded outdoor spaces. Public parks fit this description because they are ...
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