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Literature & Language Essay: Weigh In between Hidden Intellectualism and Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Essay Instructions:

This is a Weighing In essay that summarizes two sources speaking to the course theme and then puts these sources in conversation with one’s own personal ideas and perspectives.

Two reading pieces that should be studied are: Graff’s “Hidden Intellectualism” & Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”

I am going to attach two papers that you can use as examples. They speak about other readings.

No plagiarism should be detected please.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Weigh In between Hidden Intellectualism and Is Google Making Us Stupid?
The two articles, “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff and “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr presents same ideas from different perspectives. Graff’s Hidden Intellectualism, for instance, criticizes the convention preference of the “school smart” over “street Smart”. Is Google Making Us Stupid? By Nicholas Carr, on the other hand, is questioning the impacts of the internet to human intellectuality. One thing that the two articles share in common however, is the general idea that modern education or what Graff terms in his article as “School Smart” is limiting human being from using their traditional senses in making decisions and instead depend on intellectual technology in making decisions. The two articles also weigh in on the impacts of disregarding “street smart” or traditional intellectuality on the current generation.
Throughout Hidden Intellectualism, Gerald Graff keeps highlighting how education system is limiting leaners in pursuing their personal interests. He points out that the education system is limiting learners to the subject areas that are prescribed in the curriculum only (Graff, 21). This aspect, he says prevents learners from exploring variety of talents that they might be having within them in areas such as sports, music or even fashion, which have dominated the modern cultural practices. Graff goes further to argue that in high schools, students are limited to conduct research and learn the school based curriculum only within the sources such as books that are recommended by the curriculums. In colleges, where students are given a bit of freedom, he says that students still face limitations as they are only required to explore more in the limited subjects of within the school curriculums (Graff, 22).
His general argument over “school-smart” notion is that it is not that the system is bad, instead he urges the incorporation of street smart elements in the curriculum as this goes a long way in even strengthening the knowledge and performance of student in whatever he or she is taught in class (Graff, 25). He even provides an example on how his interest in sports played a major role in fine-tuning his communication and debating skills through arguing out his facts about sports in the street setting. In addition, Graff also claims that he learned some basic things like how to avoid friends with bad influence and when to or not to use elevators not from the formal education system but through his street intelligence (Graff, 25).
In the article, Graff’s argues that is not logic to wax in Plato and Shakespeare’s ideas in the modern day education curriculum without acknowledging the cultural shifts that has taken place over time (Graff, 26). In this argument, the author implies that as much as Plato and Shakespeare’s ideas are relevant in understanding different conceptions in the modern day society, they do not capture or even help in exploring the interests of current generations of students such as music, sports of even interests in cars. In addition, Graff’s argument here can be taken to imply that the ides of Plato and Shakespeare’s are not quite important to the current generation of learners. For instance, the type of language used by Shakespeare in his pieces of literature is not common among the current generation of learners and therefore does very little in helping them explore their interest. Same to Plato, whose theories can be argued to have prevented learners from seeking new theories since the current curriculum is based only on the existing theories like theirs and limiting opportunities for further discoveries of even new theories.
Boredom is another element that Graff highlights in his article, Hidden Intellectualism. Graff explains that curriculum that “school smart” covers in their education system is boring as it is limited only to certain subject levels. Unlike the “street smart “intellects who have no boundaries when it comes to choosing and exploring their personal interests, “school smart” intellects are likely to experience boredom in their studies, especially when they are not enthusiast of the subjects that they are compelled by the systems to explore. This factor therefore is likely to ruin the academic intellects performance as they fail to get the encouragement to push them further and explore more in the subjects they pursue. Besides the boredom that is associated with the ac...
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