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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Scavenger hunt and Museum of Fine Arts

Essay Instructions:

Find an article that discusses one of the topics in Ch. 10; Ch. 11; Ch. 12; Ch. 17. The date should be after the beginning of the semester. Give us a live link to the article and summarize it. The subject should be the title of the article so it is easily identified. If you do not identify your article in this way you will not get credit. Your article should not be the same as any other article submitted by another student. So...you should look through the article already submitted.

Semester started August 16.

Please submit by Friday. Because article cannot be similar to other student.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Scavenger Hunt
In his article, Zachary Small states that a majority of employees eligible to unionize at the museum of fine arts in Boston have chosen to join the United Auto Workers (Small). This move has made the United Auto Workers the largest bargaining unit in the United States. The overwhelming majority vote of 133-14 came as officials of the union devised ways of navigating the economic challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The museum in Boston had to put in place cost-cutting measures due to a projected $14 million deficit in its budget. After the election, the museum’s director asserted that the institution was looking forward to working with the union (Small).
Even though the vote was unanimous, the Museum is calling for the inclusion of at least 40 employees, including conservators and curators (Small). Like many of its peers ...
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