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In a nation of immigrants and their descendants, why was there so much hostility towards more recent arrivals?

Essay Instructions:



The formatting is the usual - double-spaced, standard margins, normal sized font (11 or 12 point, depending on which you choose) and so on.

Do not use or consult outside sources for this assignment. You should only be referencing the documents on Canvas (Immigration documents), a letter from Benjamin Franklin (here -founders.archives.qov/documents/Franklin/01-04-02-0173 - with an introduction and many footnotes), the textbook, and lecture videos. You do not need to use all of the documents, but you should use some of them, along with the textbook and lecture videos. The best papers tend to blend together a variety of different types of sources, making for a stronger case. You will have all the information you need to write an outstanding essay.

You can just use parenthetical citations (Author, page number) after something you wish to cite. Those with none or very few will likely earn a failing grade. Since you will all be using the same sources, there is no need for a works cited page.

The first draft is due on Canvas by 3:20 PM on Tuesday, December 1. and it should be a full draft, in the vicinity of 1300 to 1600 words.

Second paper topic

Acceptance of immigrants into the melting pot of America is an important national myth. As with many myths, there is truth to this, but exploring immigration reveals that the story is much more complicated. We can see evidence of hostility toward immigrants throughout much of American history, into colonial times, and this hostility seems to only increase as we progress through the course. In a nation of immigrants and their descendants, why was there so much hostility towards more recent arrivals?

You should plan to write a cohesive, formal essay, 1300 to 1600 words, in which you develop an argument and advance it through making points and using evidence to back them up.
The formatting is the usual - double-spaced, standard margins, normal sized font (11 or 12 point, depending on which you choose) and so on.
Do not use or consult outside sources for this assignment. You should only be referencing the documents on Canvas (Immigration documents), a letter from Benjamin Franklin (here -founders.archives.qov/documents/Franklin/01-04-02-0173 - with an introduction and many footnotes), the textbook, and lecture videos. 

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In a nation of immigrants and their descendants, why was there so much hostility towards more
recent arrivals?
America has long prided itself as the melting pot of cultures around the world. There is truth to this statement and it has a very diverse population today. the country’s major race is white who are immigrants from Europe. However, there has been hostility towards any new immigrants who seek to come and live the American dream. It is paradoxical that the country of immigrants does not want any more immigrants and they have developed a culture of being hostile to new arrivals. Some of the reasons and history of immigrants’ hostility can be found in a letter by Franklin to Collinson written on 9th May 1753. Through analyzing the letter, we can understand the causes of hostility towards immigrants and why it has endured albeit being pegged on myths.
First, Franklin uses stereotypes and shows that some of the immigrants are the worst elements in their respective societies. The generalization of immigrants is based on unfounded stereotypes designed to show that other cultures, nations and communities are inferior, uncultured and incompatible with values of their community. Franklin notes, ‘those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation.’ Additionally, he also demonizes their character by showing that their culture, behavior and mannerisms are inconsistent with local culture. Franklin claims that some origins come from communities where they have little respect to authority (of the church). He notes, ‘their own Clergy have very little influence over the people; who seem to take an uncommon pleasure in abusing and discharging the Minister on every trivial occasion.’ By attacking the character of the immigrants by contrasting it with the values of their community, the people develop fear and loath immigrants based on the stereotypes they have been fed.
Franklin also uses stereotypes to show that the people immigrating into the US are the laziest and least productive of their communities. Franklin cites an explanation from a Transylvanian Tartar who described man as lazy. Franklin writes, ‘God make man for Paradise, he make him for to live lazy; man make God angry, God turn him out of Paradise, and bid him work; man no love work; he want to go to Paradise again, he want to live lazy; so all mankind love lazy.’ In this description, Franklin alludes that immigrants are lazy and they only want to come to live in paradise without making any effort. Additionally, Franklin favors Germans as he sees that they do not have the mannerisms of the Poor English people. he notes that the Germans ‘retain the habitual Industry and Frugality they bring with them.’ This observation is made to show that some communities are more productive than others and they are favored for immigration while the ‘lazy and less productive’ ones are treated with hostility like the poor English Manufacturers. All these misconceptions create animosity to people from other cultures cherry picking those with ‘better’ values and virtues and demonizing those they have labelled or believe to be different.
Another reason for the hostility would be the fear of changing too much or losing touch with what gives America its identity. Whenever people from different walks of life meet, there is a change of cultures that takes place. People take what they find interesting, ignore what they deem inconsistent with who they are, and keep that which gives them their original identity. The above leads to an amalgam of cultures that in turn, give the new breed of people an identity dif...
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