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Writing response. Watch the TED talk. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. Watch the TED talk Link (Links to an external site.)


(Links to an external site.)

Rosling brings up some interesting points regarding our assumptions about the world and the research that supports the truth. Personal bias gets in the way of truth. There is a difference between fact based data and assumed truth. After you watch this TED talk, I want you to consider the importance of data research.

2. Read the chapter titled "Research" chapter in The Little Seagull

3. Answer the following questions:

1. Where should academic people seek information from?

2. What is the difference between data and assumed truths?

3. According to Rosling, how can people be less ignorant? Explain.

4. What was the most interesting aspect of his speech for you?This might include his delivery, how he relates to the audience, his examples, his evidence, his creativity, his emotional response, how he connects the information or explains it, or his confidence. This of what stood out to you and why. Please explain.

5. Please come up with one question you have about his TED talk? What are you curious about? What would you like to know more about after watching this?

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1. The academic people should seek knowledge from reliable data that is up to date and congruent with what is really happening to the current events of the world.
2. Data and assumed truths differ because data are based on researched facts from reliable sources, while assumed truths are a person’s worldview from a combination of what the school, news, and other sources feed the society. As said in the video, the teachings and presented “facts” are not necessarily done to intentionally spread assumed views, but it is also fueled by the system of ancient knowledge and various biases such as those in schools and the news.
3. Based on Rosling’s...
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