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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Why is the United States the country with the most COVID-19 infections worldwide?

Essay Instructions:

Ideally, I want you to comment on a person’s draft in a natural setting; don’t treat this as a“formal” assignment, but as if you were commenting back to someone in a classroomdiscussion, focusing on areas of strength, but giving that person direction about what you thinkcould make the draft stronger. You might want to use language in your response like, “I like theway this draft started because…”; “I got confused when…”; “I had to back up and rereadwhen…”; “I saw your point here, but then I got lost again because…” Phrases like this allow forthe reader to get a better picture of where problems are happening.You will construct 200-word minimum responses that comments on the strengths andweaknesses for each writer’s draft, and what you believe could be done to improve thepaper.Everyone’s draft will be at a different point, so it might be helpful to use the general suggestionsbelow as a guide as you construct your feedback.

You will construct 200-word minimum responses that comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the writer’s draft, and what you believe could be done to improve the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
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Why is the United States the country with the most COVID-19 infections worldwide?
Peer Review
Introduction and statement of Problem
I like how the paper starts up by stating the origin of Covid-19 from Wuhan-China to the US through Americans that traveled from China and affected European countries. And I feel that the title of the paper best describes the content of the paper and there is no need to change anything. The writer convinces me from the start of the paper by stating the origin of Covid-19 and from the second paragraph chronologically details how the virus started to spread in the USA. And I think that the presentation of the paper is just good but the writer could have described what kind of disease Covid-19 is.
Proposed Solution
The writer’s thesis clearly states the purpose of the paper and in the article we could see possible solutions to containing the virus-like wearing masks, avoiding gatherings, social distance, effective screening, info...
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