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Response to Narrative of The Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Essay Instructions:

Wk 1 Discussion - Unspoken Truths 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
Unspoken Truths 
While Americans celebrate the accomplishments of the Founding Fathers’ speeches and other published works, it is important to note that these white, land-owning males had many more freedoms than women and minorities who lived in the Thirteen British Colonies.
Select a work created by a female and/or minority author from the colonial period. For instance, you might select "On Being Brought from Africa to America" a poem by Phillis Wheatley, which you can find in this week’s syllabus. Another useful text is Mary Rowlandson’s A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. (Go ahead and use the Mary Rowlanson text as the link is right here.  The other one mentioned is actually a video clip so this will probably be easier to quote)Read the work carefully. As you read, utilize the “I CARE” system of rhetorical analysis found on page two of Analyzing Rhetoric.  (I’ve attached the “I CARE” reading as well.  Sorry they are all on individual pages)
Focus specifically on A, analysis and consider the limited freedoms of the author in the colonial period.What is the implicit message of the text you selected? 
Support your response with at least two quoted pieces of evidence from the text. 

Reading Material:
RHET/470: Studies of American Rhetoric
Colonial Rhetoric
Allen, S. C. (2013, October). Letter: Ben Franklin was right. Daily Journal World, n/a.
Burnham, M. (2000). Merchants, money, and the economics of 'plain style' in William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation. American Literature, 72(4), 695.
Dickinson, J. (1999). Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania. Empire and Nation, n/a.
Martin, H. H. (1964). Puritan preachers on preaching: Notes on American colonial rhetoric. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 50(3), 285-292.
Ray, K. (2011). Chapter 3: Thomas Jefferson and a summary view of the rights of British North America. Companion to Thomas Jefferson (2nd Edition), 32.
Rice, D. E. (1996). Order out of chaos: The archetypal metaphor in early American rhetoric. North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theartre, 9(1), 18-24.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unspoken Truths
Response to Narrative of The Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
The article's main argument is the promotion of the puritan belief that God punishes and also saves Christian believers. It describes the experience of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson in captivity by Native Americans in 1676 during King Philips War and her ultimate release. She recounts her 11 weeks capture in twenty removes, observing her experience with God and the Bible. The capture was expressed as a trial of God that she must endure with faith to survive and remain a true and a devoted Christian woman fit to belong to puritan society (Rowlandson). Through her Christian nature and the belief in the Bible, Rowlandson judges the Native Americans and becomes biased against their culture. Within the twenty removes. Rowlandson highlights three distinct t...
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