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Week 8 Understand Various Strategies For Getting Ideas

Essay Instructions:

this is the weekly assignment of critical thinking course

Week Ten 4/8

Learning Goal: Understand various strategies for getting ideas

Foster: How to Get Ideas. Choose one chapter of Foster’s book. Weekly writing: Explain the concept of the chapter and why you selected it; then offer your own APPLICATION of Foster’s thinking to a personal, professional, or academic issue.

reading materials Yes Jack Foster, How to Get Ideas (Berrett-Koehler)

other instructions:

read Foster's book--one chapter that resonates for you and explain why while applying it to your own experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Foster: How to Get Ideas
Creativity leads to production or generation of new ideas or improvement on the existing ideas. In this sense, the environment in which human being are subjected to presents a lot of objects which are the fruits of an idea. However, the idea is generated through critical thinking which basically leads a person into questing of one’s thoughts. In view this, I have chosen chapter nine of Foster’s Writing entitled Rethink Your Thinking (Foster and Larry 102). This chapter emphasizes on the need to practice critical thinking on issues at times when faced with difficult problems that need creativity in finding the appropriate solutions.
In this chapter, Foster argues that inorder to arrive at a sound conclusion in thinking there is need to apply the four concepts of thoughts namely, visual thinking, lateral thinking, assumption of the boundaries of thoughts and framework of thinking. According to Foster, many people tend to think in words which do not bring out clear picture their ideas (Foster and Larry 104). Therefore, Foster advocates for visual thinking by giving out some examples of great inventors such as Albert Einstein who used to explain his ideas through drawings and equations which were later used or applied in the modern physics. This clearly shows that in the process of getting ideas it is necessary to embrace the habit of generating visual images of the ideas rather than words since a picture could explain and idea in many ways as compared to words.
Some problems experienced during day to day activities can be difficult to solve through logical thinking according to Foster. Logical thinking is basically a vertical method of finding solutions (Foster and Larry 108). This method can reach...
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