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Analysis of Socrates’s Speech in The Apology

Essay Instructions:

Learning Goal: Consider the philosophical ideas expressed and explained by Socrates, including the value of the examined life.

Thinking about Life and Death: Plato: The Last Days of Socrates. Weekly writing: Select TWO key RELATED passages for analysis from “The Apology.” Explain the SIGNIFICANCE of what Socrates says in these two related passages.

reading material: Plato, The Last Days of Socrates (Penguin)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Socrates’s Speech in The Apology
The Apology is an account of a speech given by Socrates when he is being judged after being accused of corrupting the states of Athens and failing to recognize the gods. Even though the account has been called ‘Apology’, as you read it you will find that it is more of a defensive speech given by Socrates at the time of judgement about his actions. Throughout the entire passage, Socrates presents the importance of leading an examined life and giving an account of all the actions that human beings undertake in their lives.
Socrates begins his speech by first saying that he is going to defend himself using the normal language since he is not accustomed to the language of the courts. In one of the passages, Socrates seeks to defend himself against the accusations of the person who brought him before the jury, Melitus. He claims that he has been brought before the jury because he spends most of his time studying the sky and the earth and getting to know the truth which he informs the people. In this passage, Socrates goes through a cross examination where he explores his actions and defends them that what he is doing is helping others. He says, ‘I think it right that all those of you who have heard me conversing, and many of you have, should tell each other if anyone of you has ever heard me discussing such subjects to any extent at all’. In this text Socrates is informing the people in an honest manner to come out and talk more about his actions. The idea presented ...
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