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Understanding Joan Didion’s Argumentative Strategies and Her Attitude Toward Her Subject

Essay Instructions:

Learning Outcome: Understand Joan Didion’s argumentative strategies and her tone and attitude toward her subject.
Analyzing Arguments I: Essays: Didion: “Marrying Absurd.” (25 Great Essays)
Weekly writing: Write a letter responding to Joan Didion considering what she says about Las Vegas weddings. Consider the social and cultural values her piece involves. Provide evidence that you have analyzed Didion’s essay carefully and thought about it seriously by quoting brief excerpts from it.
Please put your name on the first page and label as Week 13 Assignment: Didion.
reading material: DiYanni, 25 Great Essays, 2nd edition (Longman/Penguin)

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Week 13 assignment: Didion.
Week 13 assignment: Didion
Joan Didion’s intentions of writing marrying absurd was to highlight moral decay, shallow and cheap nature of Las Vegas and Americans’ wedding as a whole. Didion explains that planning a wedding in America consumes much time from the couples because people judge couples on their wedding and how expensive and exiting it is. This shows how American morals have degraded because they do not think of wedding as cultural ritual but they materialize it in a way that, impressing guests and spending more money happens to be an achieved goal. Joan calls this types of weddings as Las Vegas wedding and they are not close to perfect weddings. She mocks American wedding by saying that niceness in Las Vegas wedding is more than convenience because it became merchandized.
In the begging of her essay, Joan explains that the two couples have to swear that they are old enough to get married. The lady must swear that she is above eighteen years and her parents have allowed her to be in a long lasting relationship. The man has to swear that he is above twenty one years of age and he has the right to marry from his parent. Joan proceed by saying, beside oath and at least five dollars used to get the marriage license nothing else is required. This statement indicates how valueless Americans wedding are. People are not interested in living together until death tears them apart (Didion, pg. 42). Instead, they want a fun wedding, taking oath and purchasing a license. Joan says by quoting Brennan that he could marry everyone in that room ...
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