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Museum Visit Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:


Select a museum to visit. Possibilities include but are not limited to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, The Museum of Modern Art, The Guggenheim Museum, The Frick Museum, The Whitney Museum, The Jewish Museum, The Museum of the American Indian, The American Museum of Natural History, Museum of the City of New York, Museum of the Moving Image.

Check their hours and location. And pay a visit to look around and get a sense of the scope and scale of the museum’s holdings. You can do this by checking a floor plan, looking at a museum brochure, or checking the web site. Then target ONE section of the museum for a focused visit. After looking at a series of works in this part of the museum, select TWO works that benefit from comparison to scrutinize. Take notes on these works. Make observations and connections. Draw inferences and tentative conclusions about them.

Then write up your visit by doing the following:

1. Provide an information page in which you explain the kind of museum you visited and provide a brief overview of its holdings—no more than one page.

2. Write a page about your experience of visiting the museum. What was it like for you to navigate the museum, to view some of the objects in its collection. Was this the first time to this museum? If not, how did it compare with other visits? Or with visits to other museums? Would you go back? Why or why not?

3. Write two pages in which you analyze and compare and contrast the works you selected for scrutiny. Describe these works carefully in as much detail as you can. You can provide information about them that you gained from reading any captions that appeared alongside them, or from research you did about them on the Internet or in print.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Museum Review
The previous month, I got a chance to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is based in New York City and is regarded as one of the biggest and most famous art museums of the United States. In 2018, the museum received nearly 6,645,302 visitors. The permanent collection of this museum consists of more than two million works, which have been divided into seventeen beautiful, curatorial departments. Its main building is situated in the east of Central Park and is said to have one of the biggest art galleries in the world. When I wandered here and there, I got to see a lot of interesting artworks, especially in Upper Manhattan’s Cloisters at Fort Tryon Park. This is a relatively small yet incredibly beautiful location, where I found a big collect of architecture, artifacts, and art belonging to Medieval Europe.
I was told by one of the representatives that in March 2016, the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened the Met Breuer museum on the Upper East Side, at Madison Avenue, which helped extend the contemporary and modern art program of the museum. Some of its most significant holdings or collects are works belonging to antiquity an ancient Egypt, sculptures, and paintings of all European masters, and vast collections of American and modern art. I could see that the Met had maintained extensive holdings of Byzantine, Oceanian, Asian, Islamic and African art. It is a hub of musical i...
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