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Analysis of Visual Advertisements for Obesity

Essay Instructions:

A formal paper of 6 pages (1500 words) that you submit toward the end of the course. The formal paper should develop an argument about a text or topic of your choice. You may wish to write about something previously considered in the course—a book, an advertisement, a poem, a painting—or you may prefer to write your paper about a work not considered as part of our normal course work—a film or museum exhibition, for example. Please see the Formal Paper Guidelines at the end of this syllabus for suggestions and instructions.

For your “formal” paper, you can write about one of the books assigned for the course—Douglass’ Narrative of the Life, or King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” for example, or one of Plato’s Socratic dialogues. If you choose this option, you need to FOCUS on one or two related key aspects of the book. You might focus on education and race in Douglass, for example, or King’s persuasive rhetorical strategies. Whichever option you might select, your job is to do a careful, thoughtful, and thorough analysis of what the writer is saying and how he provides evidence in the form of reasons, examples, and incidents to support his argument and ideas.
You might decide to do a paper that focuses on visual rather than verbal text(s). You can select a couple of advertisements worth comparing and contrasting and explain how advertisers use visual images (along with words) to create appeals and entice us to buy what they are selling. Or you can write a paper that offers a comparative analysis of two paintings or two sculptures or two works of architecture—two monuments, for example.
Another possibility is to analyze a magazine or newspaper article, using a critical thinking strategy we have discussed this term: Six Thinking Hats; Lateral Thinking techniques; Reports, Inferences, Judgments; Observation, Connection, Inference.
The common denominator in all of these options is analysis. Your goal is to explain what a text says, shows, suggests, “sells”—and to analyze “how” it does so, that is, in what manner it attempts to make its case. You need to supply evidence in the form of references to and quotations from whatever you are analyzing to support your claims about it. Your goal is to persuade your readers to see what you see in the text, to understand the text the way you do, to get readers to nod their heads in agreement.

Six pages, typed, double-spaced. 1500 words.

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Analysis of Visual Advertisement
Advertising plays a significant role in the current marketing society and publicizing of products. There are different forms of advertisements which include audio, visual, and text among others. Digital advertising represents a predominant marketing model in the creation of product awareness among different companies across the world. However, traditional advertising methods are remaining relevant, playing a significant role in brand awareness and lead generation. For instance, print adverts are dominating the marketing field thus confirming their potential in awareness creation of products in the market. For maximum exploitation of the visual advertisement strategy, one has to ensure that the product displays a fair share of inspiration and creativity. Different adverts are designed to display different information depending on the type of product advertised. The interpretation of various advertisements depends on the strategies used to display the advert, incorporated information, advert design and creativity, and attractiveness of the image used which defines the effectiveness of an advert.
Comparison of different adverts indicates the diversity of artwork in the product marketing field in impacting the mind of potential customers in making their decision over the advertised product. Various forms of adverts are used not just to sell the product but also to encourage consumers to adopt a lifestyle. Provision of visual information in the creation of product experience and perception improves the acceptability of a brand. Example of critical adverts used for the creation of awareness that is considered to impact the attitude of the target group includes the health advert on “French Ministry of Health: Child Obesity, the Ecovia: Stop the Violence advert, and the Chupa Chups: Sugar-Free Lollipop” among others. These adverts used different approaches to reach the target group thus displaying diversity in the visual advertisement.
The three mentioned adverts are concerned with human health and safety. The images used present a visual understanding of the impacts associated with unhealthy living or carelessness. For instance, “French Ministry of Health: Child Obesity” educates the members of the public on the impact of poor dietary and junk food on children’s health. The “Ecovia: Stop the Violence” advert uses an image to educate road safety and impacts associated with careless driving or driving under drug influence. The “Chupa Chaps: Sugar-Free Lollipop” is an insightful advert that created an awareness of a healthy lollipop made from sugar-free products. The three adverts have different visual approaches in impacting the viewers differently thus affecting the attitude and perspectives in the targeted market.
French Ministry of Health: Child Obesity
Creating awareness on obesity has become an issue to address in the health department across the world. In the United State, weight adverts come in the form of thin women eating light yogurt, alerting the public on obesity in children. France has established ads on obesity which has taken off with a horrifying image of obesity. The advertisement on child obesity was made by David Lesage, a student in Belgium, gaining its popularity after the L’Express newspaper as it contradicted an advert created by the French Ministry of Health.
French Ministry of Health: Obesity Child (Ciambrello, 2014)
This advert shows a melting ice cream designed in a feature of an obsessed abdomen with the caption “L’obesite commences des le plus Jeune age.” This caption translates to “Obesity begins at a young age,” thus creating awareness to parents on children protection against obesity (Ciambrello, 2014). That feature of the obese-like abdomen is very critical as everyone seeing it can relate the impacts of ice cream to a child’s health. The purpose of the ad is to influence how people think concerning their health and the growing health issue of obesity. The image in the advert symbolizes a person with obesity due to unhealthy eating. The image relates directly to the message that the advertiser wishes to pass to the members of the public on the health issue. Through the visual impact of the advert, the French Ministry of Health managed to spread the word about the growing problem of childhood obesity and warning the parents that obesity starts at a young age. The advert content uses bright and cheerful colors but still manages to a negative message on health issue to the kids and the parents.
Ecovia: Stop the Violence
This is a “don’t speed” advert campaign that creates awareness on the soberness in the roads. This is a very impactful advert in ensurin...
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