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Text Analysis of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

Essay Instructions:

Write a Text Analysis of a text of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

I also need to write a reflection of this analysis

19:26 For your Creative Synthesis Project, you are creating “something” that should synthesize our course themes, texts, and insights. Your creative project is your chance to demonstrate your understanding of the course, and to do so in a way that you find interesting and engaging. You might write a paper, paint a picture, conduct a research project, write poems—the choice is yours.

Your reflection is your chance to explain how your project meets project requirements, meaning how it synthesizes our course material, what themes and texts it specifically refers to, and how you worked to achieve the goals you set out in your proposal.


In your Synthesis Reflection, you will reflect on the process of your creative project. You will explain in detail what specific course texts, themes, ideas, and insights your project refers to. In addition, you will reflect on your biggest takeaway from this class and your project. You should explain how you worked to achieve project goals, including the steps you took, your role, and the people you worked with (if any).


MLA: Typed, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, etc.

Minimum: 500 words; Max: 600 words

Effectively summarizes project (what is it, how did you did it, who else was involved.) If you are working with a group or partner, each person should write a separate reflection explaining their role in the project.

Specifically calls to attention course texts, themes, and ideas related to project and explains how they are related.

Discusses the reason for choosing this creative mode.

Presents insight on course texts, themes, and ideas, and explains how that insight is reflected in the project.

Submitted online and hard copy in class.


This is worth 50 points out of 200 for the Creative Synthesis Project, which is worth 10% of your final grade.



Point Breakdown


Effectively summarizes project, including what it is, how it was completed, and who worked on it.

5 pts.


Clearly demonstrates synthesis of course concepts by specifically detailing which course themes and texts the project synthesizes; does not generalize.

15 pts.


Demonstrates understanding of course concepts, but also insight and originality by explaining how course texts and themes contributed to a new understanding. Presents something new.

10 pts.


Discusses the goals stated in the proposal and how they were achieved or not achieved.

5 pts.

Work Ethic

Details specifically how one worked individually and/or with a group; discusses role and how they succeeded and could have done better.

10 pts.

MLA & Word Count

Is at least 500 words and no longer than 600 words; is formatted according to MLA.

5 pts.

This is the requirement of the relfection

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student`s Name
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
* Text Analysis of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
The story in the text is narrated from the omniscient third person`s point of view. The narrator of the story is aware of all the underlying thoughts and feelings of the people mentioned in the story. This is realized on the occasional times he addresses the feelings and thoughts of the reader. The narration is based on the metafiction form to affirm to the reader that that place is imaginary, so is the place and the people. Such use of metafiction has been critical in helping the readers understand that the story is a parable. The setting of the story is set in Omelas village which is utopian. The initial story descriptions indicate a perfection like a city. It is filled with beautiful buildings, idyllic topography, and contented people. However, as the story continues, it reveals that the fabric of the society and happiness is anchored on suffering, pain and agony of a child held in a small room.
The text is based on a utopian city of Omelas which was a shimmering city entirely of delight and unbelievable happiness. In the city, the summer solstice celebrations involve glorious festivals of racing of children riding on their horsebacks. The celebratory atmosphere, however, is a retort of a blissful community limited of technological advancement with is also limited to communal as opposed to private resources, are an intelligent people, sophisticated and rich in culture. It is imperative to mention that the Omelas utopian city has no priests, kings, soldiers, or slaves. It is imperative to note that the narrator does not use pathos to persuade the reader of the state of governance in the city. By the mere fact that it is called a city, there must be a status somewhere where it earned such a reputation. However, as a disclaimer, the narrator owes nobody an explanation for certain intricate matters.
Furthermore, a disclaimer by the narrator is that not every particular detail of the city can be established for the reader entirely. According to the narrator, the City of Omelas is far away, ancient, long ago, once upon a time and more of a fairy tale. The daily business of the city is thus based on musical instruments and songs of all kinds, bright and clear days, and sweet air with ringing bells. The narrator to a considerable extent is conscious because the concept of happiness, not just of an individual but of an entire city can be suspect to a lot of people. According to the city`s descriptions being happy is a form of foolishness and. Moreover, the city lack complications which are attributed to life, in general, like stress, pain, evil impulses or anger. In a contradictory statement, however, the narrator state that the people live a complex life.
The whole story as narrated revolves around contentment and peaceful conscious. The picture painted is that even though the people are happy, then just as in any other normal societies, they may lack certain things once in a while. However, such things which they lack, the narrator states that the lack of a few things here are the people do not see there is any way as lack deprivation. The people came to the understanding of basic necessity, destruction, and what is necessary and what is none. Such that the people have all the things which they deem necessary. Besides, they also possess the luxury items which are not seen as necessary or destructive they also own. As such, Omelas is a city which has been inhabited by mature handsome and beautiful and intelligent people. The lives of the people according to the narrator is that they neither live a puritanical nor wretched life.
However, the constant city`s state of splendour and serenity demanded that one single unfortunate child be held captive in perpetual filth, darkness, and misery. The misery of the child is meant to send signals to the city and her residents of the cruelty of justice and the precious gift of happiness. The child is a symbolic unity of the place, which grants happiness and comfort. Nevertheless, when the citizenry is old enough past puberty stage, one by one they can learn about the child in the cage. Fear grips them and thinks about life`s concepts of happiness, justice, cruelty, and suffering. When they ultimately acquiesce to the particular injustice that can guarantee their happiness, some people, one after the other leaves the city. Young and old walks away from the city and nobody knows their next destination.
It is imperative to note that the setting of the text is in a utopian state where people are treated to happiness and joy but at the expense of suffering. In a city of such abundance, and joy, the narrator state that there is no power or authority to enforce the law. Furthermore, the narrator state that it is not possible to learn all the issues and intricate matters about the city. Such a statement is a serious contradiction of power and authority to the extent of the suffering...
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