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Racial Disadvantage and the Construction of the Veil of Ignorance

Essay Instructions:

Read a section of Tommie Shelby's "Race and Social Justice: Rawlsian Considerationsin", and pick just one topic from: personhood, equal citizenship, formal justice, antidiscrimination, racist attitudes, and fair equality of opportunity.

Answer the following questions: what you thought was the most thought-provoking argument made by Shelby. What took you by surprise in Shelby's analysis? Or what did you find yourself disagreeing with? What 'spoke' to you?

Theres no need to compose this as an essay, instead just answer the question.

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Racist Attitudes
The most thought-provoking argument made by Shelby regarding racial attitudes is when he says that considerations of racial disadvantage have a role to play in the construction in the veil of ignorance. His argument is Allen and Shiffrin note that the parties in the original argument are excluded from knowing the racial identities of those they represent. Some commentators have refused to see that it is instructive to conceal these identities because of the rationale that ‘‘if knowledge of particulars is allowed, then the outcome (of the choice situation) is biased by ( morally) arbitrary contingencies. ’Thus the parties must not know the contingencies, social or natural, th...
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