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Sexual Exploitation of Children - Human Trafficking

Essay Instructions:

Your final assignment, a 4-5-page- argumentative research paper, will incorporate the skills you have developed throughout this course, and will develop new skills in research. You will learn to analyze an argument using the rhetorical triangle. 

For this assignment, you will:

Read about your topic. 

1. Should communities, officials, parents, border patrol, businesses, etc be more vigilant?

Make an argument about the topic. This argument must be clearly stated in a working thesis statement. All body paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis. 

Research sources appropriate to your topic, and effectively use those sources as evidence to support and prove your thesis. You must research and use at least 3 outside sources*. We will discuss research methods and ways to incorporate sources into your writing in class. 

Cite all sources using MLA Format. Your paper must include proper parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page. We will go over MLA citation in class, and you have Purdue Owl as a reference. 

Your research paper must be 5 pages, typed, times new roman, double-spaced, in 12 point font, and in MLA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Sexual Exploitation of Children-Human Trafficking Introduction Purpose of this writing composition is to the argument about diverse factors of Sexual Exploitation of Children which is a type of sexual abuse. CSE involves professional offenders who were in the field, remain in news headlines with extra regularity. Telford is now presently highlighted and this is not the first and last place of this action (Bell). All territories, unfortunately, keep the wolves inside who snatch away the world of innocence from this universe. To attempt this obnoxious action of abusing, offenders try to get control over children by different means of power which include: physical, financial and emotional. Sexual exploitation cannot be specifically limited to a certain age or a particular background, in fact, this is an Omni existing threat of all children and young people in the world. In certain situations. Children are a force to leave their homes (NSPCC) by the special treatment which is called grooming and involves food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, money and gift (Victoria 2). Usually, Pimps and traffickers makethe victim the weakest children apparently. Offenders promise children to fulfil all their needs in order to make them vulnerable (Temeculaca 1). Sometimes, this action is carried out with full command that children or young people remain unable to even realize that they are being made victim. In this world of technology, child abusing can occur from online platforms. Child sexual exploitation is not something new to the world. It has its roots since ancient times. In the fifteenth and sixteenth century, the adults of elite’ class houses often used to treat children as the playthings of sex. An example of this involves Louis XIII, being the future King of France was made a victim of sexual games with his little tiny hands (Julich 109). Between 1790 and 1876, one out of each three rape victims was under the age of 19 in the City of New York. The percentage was 76 during the 1820s. This thesis consists of two argumentative statements about sexually abusing children happening rate and local efforts carried out by governments to prevent the sexual exploitation of children. These arguments will be further analyzed by supportive evidences, existed in any country of the world, to draw a solid and dependable conclusion. Body Being ultimately more attentive towards the sexual exploitation of children, it is important to know whether the sexual exploitation of children rate is increasing or decreasing in the world by the present time. NIS-3 was made out in 1989 and NIS-4 in 2017 (David 11). The Examinations collected reported sexual exploitation of children cases overall the big nine countries of the world. The data comparisons of both examinations’ statics show that all cases of child abusing are decreasing from approximately 1.6 million to 1.3 million cases. David Finkelhor who is a chief expert on sexual exploitation cases with a colleague, Lisa Jones, has followed the tendency of cases (Education Crime). The results show that from 1992 to 2018, the ratio of all cases regarding child sexual abuse has dropped more than 65 percent in the US. First evidence shows the results of nine countries and the second one explores about US mere. NIS-3 was made out in 1989 and NIS-4 in 2017, analyzing these data sources show that between 28 years, sexual exploitation of children has been controlled. The falling point has appeared from 1.6 million to 1.3 million cases. The second evidence shows a large amount of progression in controlling the 65 percentage of particular cases in the US. To prevent the child sexual abusing within a country, it is mandatory to raise some efforts on local levels to the best possible extent. The question raises here whether governments of different countries are playing their dependable role to control this condemnable happening. In Harris Country, policing and government are approaching the best ways to control child sexual abusing. In the last three years, charges against offenders can be seen as being tripled. The country district attorney’s officers show to the board with strong evidence that charge enhanced from 70 in 2014 to 244 in 2017 for these actions which include, prostitution, trafficking of children and young persons and upholding child pornography (Vigh). The Cook County Sheriff’s office in Illinois in 2016, introduced to the law agencies an important program named as National John’s Suppression Initiative to enforce the law managements against child sex trafficking demand (Chron). According to the Cook County Sheriff’s office, acting upon this program, from June 28 to July 31, 2017, the country ensured arresting of 170 buyers which is the highest number of made arrests in any country within a month. The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) in 2018, fulfilled its duty to ensure the implementation regarding policies about Nigerian Child Online Protection (NCOP), planned in 2016. It enables the working of The National Cybersecurity Policy. The purpose was to demo...
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