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Julia Serano's Whipping Girl The Transformation of an Equal Society

Essay Instructions:

The prompt of the essay is basically why should everyone read this book. The essay need to be a five paragraph essay with one beginning paragraph, three supporting paragraphs and one concluding paragraph. The supporting paragraphs need to be following the CREATE method, which is

Step One: Selecting your claim

Step Two: Summarizing for context

Step Three: Citing Direct Textual Evidence

Step Four: Analysis

Step Five: How it's connected to the thesis statement.

By the way, please create a more interesting title for the essay instead of just Essay on Whipping Girl.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Transformation of an Equal Society
The Whipping Girl, written by Julia Serano, is the best book to be read by a wide audience. This book serves as an eye-opener to the readers about the modern type of discrimination existing in the society, one of which is the discrimination being experienced by trans women. This book is a compilation of essays about the trans women’s hardships and thirst to be accepted in the society. Readers would not only be entertained in reading the book, but would also be guided to identify the wrong ideas, misconceptions, and verbal abuses existing in the modern society. This book serves as a mirror, reflecting the rightful image people should see among trans women. Readers should read this book to have a better perception and application of acceptance and respect among trans women.
The Whipping Girl is a compilation of essays that talks about the experiences and realizations of the author and other trans women. In Chapter 10, Julia Serano stated, “I realized that for me, being trans had little to do with sexual desire or social gender; it was primarily about the physical experience of being in my own body.” The book serves as an eye-opener to its readers for it was written comprehensively with the purpose of enlightening the minds of people about the equal rights of trans women to be accepted in the society, and that they are also part of the community. For the readers to better understand the context, the author divided her book into two parts: the theories associated to the trans women and the experiences of the trans women per se. The author understands that most of her readers might have a confusion about the different terms being used in the book, so in the first part of the book, she started with the comprehensive list of explanations of words such as the difference between gender roles and gender expressions, transsexuals, male-to-female (MTF) spectrum, and female-to-male (FTM) spectrum. Next, the book talks about how media such as television, radio, and social media depict the revolution of trans women, body transformation, hormones, Sexological and Sociological models, transphobia, cissexual privileges, transsexuality, and intersexuality. In the second part, the book talks about the experiential gender, deconstructive surgery, self-deception, and trans activism.
In the book, the author stated how she responds to people when they express their perception about trans women. In Chapter 16, Julia Serano reiterated how people try to trigger one’s perception in order to emphasize the wrong cultural apprehension about trans women. &ldquo...
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