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1 pages/≈550 words
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Personal Critique of Own Paper on Gun Violence

Essay Instructions:

•Offer a holistic assessment of the paper;
•Identifyspecific areaswhere your writing has improved;•Identify specific areas where you can continue to improveyour writing;
•Articulatea specific course of action that explainshow you will continue to develop your craft as a writerbased on your self-assessment andyour instructor’s feedback;
•Be approximately one-page in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Romanor Garamond typeface);
•Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assessment of my paper on Gun violence
 A holistic assessment of the paper
Critique is a crucial consideration that writers need to have. In my paper where I was analyzing authors with different thoughts and standpoints on gun violence, I articulated the two different sides quite effectually. One of the sides I explained was David S. Bernstein, who gave the perspective of gun violence on a firsthand account of victims who have been affected by gun violence. I found Bernstein’s argument to be quite sensible as it expressed the woes of survivors of gun violence, which was quite empathetic and it also related to the people as an attempt of showing the adverse effects of gun violence. Based on the above reasons, my assessment found David S. Bernstein to have given a comprehensive account through survivors of gun violence to support his reasons against gun violence.
On the other side, I also used John R. Lott who also argued from a different perspective to show that guns are necessary. Through my analysis, I also found his argument to be sensible and convincing as he said that more guns lead to less crime as long as the regulation policies are considered. He explained further about the laws set to ensure that more guns lead to more protection that would amount to less crime. Lott used the argument that most of the people involved in debates about gun violence tend to be sentimental, and full of emotions, which see...
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