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Various Types of Monsters Date Back in Human's History

Essay Instructions:

The Classification assignments requires you to organize a topic into categories and then provide examples of what characteristics fit into each category.
Classify the types of monsters
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Types of monsters
A monster is a hideous animal, human being or a hybrid of both. The powers of monsters are known to be a destructive, hence threatening the moral and social order of human beings. The powers of monsters are considered to be out of the control of a man's bare hand. Animal monsters are considered to be outside the moral order and in most cases, their origin is attributed to human violation of the social and moral laws. As well, human monsters are considered not to have been fully humans during birth, or a certain supernatural occurrence took their human nature (Summers, Portia, and Dana 2016). As a result, it would not be possible for them to follow the moral law of the society. Various types of monsters date back in human's history.
A revenant is a monster considered to be human nature. In French, it refers to a person who has returned from the dead or a long absence and hence, is considered to be a ghost. The revenants are not in a position to obey the moral law of humans and therefore, do not qualify to be normal human beings but monsters.
The Jersey Devil is a monster of the animal origin which lives in the sparsely populated barrens of New Jersey state of the United States of America. The animal has the body of a kangaroo and the head of a horse or a dog. It also has dragon-like wings, horns, and a tail. Therefore, its appearance is scary; hence its consideration as a monster.
A zombie is a human m...
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