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Understanding Death

Essay Instructions:


Listen to the Podcast: Radiolab: When I am Dead

There will be five podcast response journal assignments starting on week four. Reflective writing allows you a chance to connect to and engage with the podcasts critically. Starting the Week 4 students will submit reflection papers on the podcasts listen below.

The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the podcast therefore please avoid giving a synopsis or summary. When writing these papers reflect on your initial thoughts, reactions, and feelings. Students are encouraged to discuss what they’ve learned, how does the podcast episode connect with the readings, and discuss their point of view about the episode. The expected length for these papers is approximately 1 ½ - 2 double-spaced page using 12pt Times New Roman font. Do not exceed 2 pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding Death
The podcast video dubbed “When Am I Dead?” brings forth more confusion than clarification about the concept of death. The different people interviewed in the podcast indicate that beliefs about dying are primarily a derivative of socio-cultural experiences. Therefore, it suffices to say that the consideration of the meaning or state of death remains subjective since people let their worldviews inform different concepts about dying.
Coherently, those from a highly religious background would consider death being a departure of the soul/spirit from the human body. The perception stems from a belief system that appreciates human beings being an invisible tenet but uses the body to establish his/her purpose in the material world. For this reason, one would measure the mass of a human body before and immediately after death. The rationale is that the soul/spirit lives in the body and its departure mark death. However, the experiment remains unreliable and with lack of credibility, considering the fact that a 21-grams-difference between a live and dead body is statistically insignificant.
The analysis of the difference between living and death is different from a scientific point of view. Scientists focus on body functions to determine whether a person is dead. As a result, some would opine that death is a result of the heart stopping to function. The explanation was most dominant in recent decades before the invention of equipment that senses brain activities. As a result, a stethoscope was the instrument used by scientists to affir...
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