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Exit West by Mohsin Hamid. Literature & Language Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Reading Exit West by Mohsin Hamid

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March 8-15

Let’s think about definitions of borders, portals, and frameworks.

How do you define the terms?

How do borders, portals, and frameworks apply to your life and experiences?

What do these terms mean in terms of Saeed and Nadia in the first four chapters? Examples?


a type of physical barrier that stops things or people from each side to the other

travel from one country to another, one state to another = crossing borders

Nationally: borders not as rigid as internationally, but still, we need to go through

divisions entering and exiting.

an imaginary line that separates one territory from another.

can be closed off from a gate, a wall, a door, or a sign.

each room in an apartment is separated by walls to create privacy

each supermarket is sectioned off to organize produce.

traffic cones can indicate construction ahead. We see this everyday on google map when we try to locate an address



the entrance or exit of a place, country, or city.

can also be imaginary

may sound magical but actually everyday the internet provides us links and websites to click and browse

google searching for a camera and the next thing you end up in bestbuy.com


the specific period of time in which an event occurs.

Important telling historic events, the life of a person or the age of a city or a monument,

probably do not use the framework often but it does apply when I write,

brainstorming as infrastructure before crafting a piece of writing.

In terms of the reading on Exit West:


people can not freely go where they want for the fear to be killed by the conflicts

To Saeed and Nadia, the curfew that the government imposes on citizens,

a divider that separates them from seeing each other.


doors and windows closed by the people because they represent danger

can be shattered by bombing or shooting

a gateway, door, or entrance into another realm or destination

they imagine being in other cities, or it’s also possible that the telescope might be a gateway for them to enter the cities. .


the reading tells us what’s happening one day before or after an event happened, or if it's early or late in the day.

coming up with a plan to stay together as much as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
The world experiences several forms of borders, portals, and frameworks dictating how different issues unfold. Borders are closely related to portals because they address crossing from one end to the other. Frameworks, on the other hand, define the period an event occurs. The aspects of border, portals, and frameworks apply in our daily lives, the way it reflects in the reading "Exit West" by Mohsin Hamid.
A border refers to a physical barrier that separates people or things on either side. It is an imaginary line that separates one territory from another and can be closed off from a gate, a wall, a door, or a sign. Borders are rigid on the international level, unlike on the national. It stops people from traveling from one country to the other. However, barriers still exist nationally, preventing people from freely moving from one region to another, as people have to go through divisions entering and exiting. I interact with borders everywhere. Walls separate each room in an apartment to create privacy, the same way each supermarket is sectioned off into group items. We see the use of borders in our lives every day on Goo...
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