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Reflection on Importance of Rhetorical Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3-4 page reflective essay in which respond to the prompt below:

-Critical reading and thinking are skills you will carry forward to other disciplines, as well to life in general. As a mode of critical thinking, you've learned to identify how writers, artists, photographers, and filmmakers use rhetorical appeals as a method of persuasion to convey a certain message or build an argument. In the future, you may use these strategies in your own work as well.

Prompt: Considering the above, write a well-rounded essay in which you describe the importance of rhetorical analysis not just in academia, but also as a tool to understand the world better.


You must reference and cite 2 or more different sources from the course readings using proper MLA citation style.

Be sure to reference specific examples from your journey as a critical reader and thinker. It's okay to use the personal pronoun "I".

Be precise in your writing. Avoid vague generalizations or statements that leave leave your reader guessing.

The essay should adhere to MLA format (typed, double space, 12-point font, etc.).

Even though this is reflective, you should still have a thesis, strong topic sentences, and a conclusion. The thesis should answer the prompt question.

The minimum page count is 3 full pages (typed, double space, 12 point font, etc.). A submission that falls below this will incur a 10% penalty.

Don't forget to include a Works Cited page

Please complete this short essay by the last day of class, Thursday, April 1 until 11:59 p.m. Late submissions will not be accepted since the course officially ends on the April 1st.


Final Exam: English 103 Spring 2021

Final Exam: English 103 Spring 2021

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay Structure

-Essay has a thesis, supporting sentences, and meets a 3-page minimum; prompt question answered and supported throughout essay; reflective tone

70 pts


Excellent is ALL areas!

63 pts

Very Good

56 pts


-SOME areas may be lacking, but overall assignment addressed

49 pts


-SOME areas need improvement.

42 pts

Needs Improvement

-ALL or MOST areas need improvement

70 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Integration

-Two or more sources from semester reading referenced and integrated as support for thesis

20 pts


-Criteria for integrating sources met

18 pts

Very Good

-Criteria for integrating sources MOSTLY met

16 pts


-Criteria for integrating sources GOOD, but something missing

14 pts


-Criteria for integrating sources SOMEWHAT met

12 pts

Below Average (0-6)

-Criteria for integrating sources NOT met

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Structure and Style

-Essay follows MLA formatting (typed, double space, margins) and style (citations, Works Cited)

10 pts


-Criteria for MLA met

9 pts

Very Good

-Criteria for MLA MOSTLY met

8 pts


-Criteria for MLA GOOD, but some mistakes

7 pts


-Criteria for MLA SOMEWHAT met

6 pts

Below Average (0-6)

-Criteria for MLA severely lacking or NOT met

10 pts

Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflective Thinking
Essay writing takes many different formats depending on the writer, even as creative thinking remains an essential tool for making the readers enjoy any article. Creating the essay requires a writing style that carries a big task in making the essay appealing (Mills). Reflective thinking helps primarily in the creation of sentence structures and the development of a story. Therefore, reflective thinking can be defined as writing that examines and analyzes memory, observation, or event to find the impact and meaning of a particular event. The use of Rhetoric appeals presents the more specific factors in the essay. The more persuasive the writer is, the more interesting the story becomes. Rhetoric writing helps create the actual picture in the reader's minds, thus presenting an interaction examination between the essay, the writer, and the reader allowing counterarguments that display a different perspective of the text thesis that creates better world understanding.
The rhetorical analysis enables a writer to create an interaction between the story, the audience, and the writer. The analysis becomes easy by understanding the history of the story's text and rhetoric situation (Greenwood et al. 799). To understand the past, one must be well aware of the exact time of the scenario occurring and where it took place. More specifically, the analysis should cover tiny details, including the topic of the text, the writer, the intended and unintended audience, the relationship between the thesis and the occasion, the writer and the reader, the author's purpose, and the source of the initially published text.
However, the rhetoric situation puts together incidences that anchor the story’s origin. Greenwood et al. assert that a thorough understanding of the text's concept establishes the foundation of situation clarity (815). The organization by a philosopher known as Aristotle gives an easy task of acknowledging the story's facts. His organization captures the setting, purpose, audience, writer, and situation of the story. For instance, in an election campaign, a speechwriter needs to understand that not every citizen is his audience because some people are followers of the opposing candidate. The writer can choose to ignore the opposition or try to lure them into changing sides.
Also, rhetoric analysis is vital in creating the possibility of reading images as text. Pictures are the best evidence that gives the surety of an event happening (Barnet et al. 136). Careful studying of any picture can make a person without a clue about the story guess and give the story precisely as it was. Rhetoric analysis of pictures helps...
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