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Types of writing

Essay Instructions:
ASSIGNMENT consider these "genres" or types of writing: lab reports, scientific abstracts, experimental reports, research proposals, business proposals, research papers, review of research, poster presentations, PowerPoint presentations, ethnographies, interviews, case studies, case briefs, policy briefs, legal briefs, field notes and observations, book reviews, product reviews, critiques, annotated bibliographies, content analyses, literary analyses, argumentative papers, formal summaries, personal narratives, essay exams, memos, formal letters, business plans, progress reports, feasibility reports, financial reports, brochures, blogs, websites, press releases, news stories, response papers, position papers, grant proposals, applications and any others you are familiar with. 2. List which of these writing assignments you've completed in YOUR MAJOR or in a job RELATED TO YOUR MAJOR. 3. Then choose three types you've written most frequently. 4. Write an essay in which you describe these three in detail. Include information such as the class(es) or job(s) you've written them for, who read each document, what the purpose of each document was, how long each assignment type usually was, what level of vocabulary you were required to use (technical or general), what kind of research and sources were required, how difficult or easy each type is for you to write, and which types you enjoy writing most and least. Give details to support all your claims. Further Information: - Give the context in your introduction, making clear whether you are discussing papers written on the job, in the college classroom, or both. Tell us your major and your class level. Be sure to clearly list the three types you will discuss in your thesis statement. These should be listed in the order you discuss them in your paper. See Lunsford pp. 80-81 for help with introductions and pp. 58-60 for help with thesis statements. - You may use sub-headings to help organize your paper if you choose to, but this is not required. - The discussion of each type of writing should be about the same length. Consider writing two paragraphs about each type. Each body paragraph should be about the same length, and no body paragraph should be longer than a page. Be sure to describe specific examples from a paper (or papers) you have written for each type. See Lunsford pp. 68-80 for help with body paragraphs. - Your conclusion should summarize the central insights you've gained, but shouldn't repeat your points word for word. If you have not yet discussed which of the three assignments you found easy or difficult, or which you enjoyed most and least, you may do that in your conclusion. Or you may wish to speculate about which of these types you will have to continue writing in your major or in your future career. See Lunsford pages 81-82 for help with conclusions. - Word choice and sentence structure should be formal and academic. Include a complete citation for any quoted material in a style manual of your choice (see Lunsford and links in SacCT Class Files). Include a word count at the end. Suggested word count: 500 words. Title the beginning of each assignment with ♣ your name, ♣ your instructor's name (Linville) ♣ the date that draft was written ♣ the name of the assignment as it appears on the assignment sheet Post your draft here for a peer review. ----------------------------
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Shehab Abdulwahed
Instructor: Linville
Date: January 10, 2013
Types of writing
In life as a student in the university, there are many documents that one has to master. These documents help in pursuit of students to communicate effectively with the rest of the academic community. In pursuit of standardization and effective communication, it follows that some norms have to be effected. One of the most crucial pointers to communicating using documents as a student is maintaining clear, concise language. In fulfillment of this objective, the three most frequent documents I use are PowerPoint presentations, argumentative essays and blogs.
I am a Civil Engineering student with a minor in business. In my major, we use PowerPoint on a daily basis. A PowerPoint presentation is a proper communication tool in the application of text effects and effective communication. PowerPoint is a presentation application software that is used to create presentation optimized for first person presentations. It is used when one has to make a presentation meant for an audience for informative purposes. It is the ultimate presentation software because it allows one to govern the rate at which presentation aids cross the screen or projector.
PowerPoint presentations are made with three-pane slides. The person creating the slides utilizes the notes pane to ensure that she monitors the purpose of each slide. It is not displayed during the presentation. The slide pane is used to highlight the relevant aspects of the presentation. As a standard procedure, one should use the outline pane to arrange the slides, as they would coherently appear on a presentation. In the outline pane, one can change the attributes of slides. PowerPoint presentation has capabilities to use color and text effects to pull attention to the most essential sections of the presentation. One can decide to include audio and video accompaniments to the presentation to highlight the message. One should use formal language in PowerPoint presentations.
It is challenging to create a presentation because one has to keep in mind the size of the spread on a projector. Some poor PowerPoint presentations utilize extremely small font sizes such that text is not visible to the audience. Others are extremely cluttered with brightly colored visual aids that make them unsuitable. The other challenge is allocating timing between transitions and animations in the project. It is difficult to determine the appropriate length of time for an animation. This arises from the uncertainty in predicting audience reaction to the same. PowerPoint presentations allow one to give an informative presentation to a live audience. This is a chance to highlight, using text, audio, and video effects. This makes PowerPoint presentation increasingly effective communication tools for formal presentations.
I have written many argumentative essays in college, and one is required to give, exhaustively, an account of i...
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