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Brief Review of Academic/Professional

Essay Instructions:
Brief Review of Academic/Professional Literature in Your Field PART ONE: TABLE OF CONTENTS (TOCs) Obtain a Table of Contents from a recent issue of three DIFFERENT academic or professional journals in your field (three TOCs total). Go to the CSUS library homepage http://library(dot)csus(dot)edu/ At the top of the grey search box, click “Journal Titles” and type in a key word for your major (such as business, social work, nursing, or engineering). On the next page, browse journals, clicking “find it” until you find three that will let you look at the full issue (or table of contents for the issue) online. I can help you with this in class. Look for a link for “Free E-Journals” as those are the easiest to save and read. List the three journals you have chosen by title, year, volume, and issue number and ATTACH THE THREE TOCS HERE. ------------------------------------------------------ PART TWO: QUESTIONS FOR ANALYSIS Now analyze each of the three Table of Contents for both genre and topic, answering the questions below with formal, complete sentences. Journal #1: 1. What is the title of your journal? 2. What is the publishing organization (if given)? 3. Based on the above two answers, who is the intended audience? (Be as specific as possible.) 4. What genres of articles are included (original research, review of others' research, proposal for research, informative article, argumentative article, news article, book review, and so forth)? 5. What kinds of topics are included? 6. What else did you observe? Journal #2: 7. What is the title of your journal? 8. What is the publishing organization (if given)? 9. Based on the above two answers, who is the intended audience? (Be as specific as possible.) 10. What genres of articles are included (original research, review of others' research, proposal for research, informative article, argumentative article, news article, book review, and so forth)? 11. What kinds of topics are included? 12. What else did you observe? Journal #3: 13. What is the title of your journal? 14. What is the publishing organization (if given)? 15. Based on the above two answers, who is the intended audience? (Be as specific as possible.) 16. What genres of articles are included (original research, review of others' research, proposal for research, informative article, argumentative article, news article, book review, and so forth)? 17. What kinds of topics are included? 18. What else did you observe? Post your answers here (which WILL be visible to other students). --------------------------------------- PART THREE: ESSAY Write an essay focusing on the strongest similarities and/or differences between these three TOCs. - The introduction should name your field, the journal titles, and explain that you comparing and contrasting a table of contents from one issue of each journal. Your thesis should list the areas of similarity and differences. For example, “These Tables of Contents (TOCs) are similar in audience and genres, but different in topics covered.” - You may use sub-headings to help organize your paper if you choose to, but this is not required. - Be sure to compare/contrast the three TOCs in all three areas– audience, genres, and topics – but some sections may be longer than others depending on how many similarities and differences there are. Focus on what you find to be most significant. - Each body paragraph should be about the same length, and no body paragraph should be longer than a page. - Avoid summarizing the content of the articles, except to discuss topics. Focus on the questions in Part II instead. Include specific examples from the texts ONLY as needed in answering the questions. - This paper should not include personal experience unless you would like to refer to what you already know about these topics in your field. - Your conclusion should reiterate what you found most significant, but shouldn't repeat your points word for word. You may make a personal connection here if you choose, focusing on what you learned from this assignment about writing in your field and how this might help you in the future. - Word choice and sentence structure should be formal and academic. - Include a complete citation for all three Tables of Contents (journal name, volume, issue number, and date) in an appropriate style manual of your choice (see Lunsford and links in SacCT Class Files). - Include a word count at the end. Suggested word count: 500 words. - Title the beginning of each assignment with  your name,  your instructor's name (Linville)  the date that draft was written  the name of the assignment as it appears on the assignment sheet Post your draft here for a peer review. -------------------------
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Brief Review of Academic/Professional
Course title:
Brief Review of Academic/Professional
Journal # 1
Title: Society Now. Year: 2012. Volume: 124. Issue Number: 14
Journal 1 Table of Contents
3 News
18 Opinions
20 The UK by numbers: Sport
29 Information and updates
10 Fighting food foes
12 Retail revolution
16 Festive time
22 The art of managing crowds
24 Himalayan hopes
26 Voices: Freedom in action
Journal # 2
Title: Social Work and Society. Year: 2012. Volume: 10. Issue Number: 1/012
Journal #2 Table of Contents
Special Issue: “Transition From Education To Work – A Question Of Justice”
From the Lisbon Strategy to Europe 2010: The Statistical Landscape of the Education and Training objectives Through the Lens of the Capability Approach
Methodological Issues in Operationalising the Capability Approach in Empirical ResearchDynamics of Educational Regimes and Capability-Oriented Research
Introduction to the Case Studies
Capabilities for Education, Work and Voice
Regional Policies and Individual Capabilities: Drawing Lessons from two Experimental Programs Fighting Early School Leaving in France
Capabilities Without Rights? The Trespassing Project in Naples
Vocational Training as an Integration Opportunity for Struggling Young Adults? A Swiss Case Study.
Establishing Caseness, Institutional Selves and “realistic perspectives” - A German Case Study on the Transition from School to Work
Learning to Work: Young People’s Social and Labour-Market Integration through Supra-Company Apprenticeship Training in Austria
Addressing the Issue of Disadvantaged Youth Seeking Work
Pedagogy Back on Track; Enhancing Capabilities for Young People in Education and Work
The Development of Capabilities of Young People with Low Skills. The Case Study of a Vocational Education Programme in Poland.
A Comparative Comment on the Case Studies
Fieldwork in Social Work Education and Training: Issues and Challenges in the Case of Eastern and Southern Africa
Social Work and Elder Abuse: A Foucauldian Analysis
Research Notes
Counselling for Sustaining Quality of Life in Old Age: Introducing the German Research Project BELiA
Research Notes – PhD Forum
The Female Drug User as a ´Victim´ or ´Villain´ and the Implications for Social Work
Socio-Spatial Approaches to Social Work
Does “Evidence-Based Policy” Help Protect LGBT Rights? A View from U.S. Social Work
Journal 3
Title: Socialist Standard. Year: 2012. Volume: 108. Issue Number: 1300
Table of Contents
10 War, weapons and water
12 Water grab – the theft and waste of water
15 Imagining a socialist society
17 Winstanley, Marx and Henry George
19 Dutch painting and Brecht
4 Pathfinders
5 Letters
6 Halo Halo!
Brief Reports
7 Cooking the Books
8 Material World
9 Greasy Pole
18 Cooking the Books
20 Reviews
21 Proper Gander
22 Meetings
23 Years Ago
23 Action Replay
24 Voice from the Back
24 Free Lunch
Journal #1: 1. What is the title of your journal? Society Now
2. What is the publishing organization? The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
3. Based on the above two answers, who is the intended audience? (Be as specific as possible.)
The journal addresses a wide range of readers including the Member of Parliament (MP), business people, teachers, voluntary workers and the general public (“The future of work-life balance”). 4. What genres of articles are included (original research, review of others’ research, proposal for research, informative article, argumentative article, news article, book review, and so forth)?
It includes original research into major social and economic questions that face the people in the United Kingdom today. The research informs public policies and helps to make voluntary bodies, businesses as well as other organizations be more effective.
5. What kinds of topics are included...
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